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An Overview of 2018 Tax Reform Changes [Infographic]

Extension Filers: The Tax Deadline is Today

Last Call on These Popular Tax Deductions

Tax Reform 101: How the Tax Reform Law Impacts Self-Emp…

Tax Reform 101 for Families

Can I Get a Tax Break for Supporting My Alma Mater̵…

Tax Reform 101: How the New Tax Reform Law Changed 529 …

IRS Announces They Are Working on a New 1040 Tax Form: …

Tax Reform 101: Will Getting Married Change My Tax Situ…

Tax Reform 101: What You Should Know About Changes to t…

How Will Tax Reform Affect My Refund Next Year?

Happy Tax Day!

Woman looking for tax help on laptop computer

Aviso: El IRS Extiende la Fecha Límite Para Declarar I…

Woman looking for tax help on laptop computer

Tax Day Update: IRS Extends Tax Deadline to April 18th

Tax Day Update: TurboTax is Accepting E-Filed Tax Retur…

¿Cómo Afectará la Reforma Tributaria Mi Reembolso el…

Cómo Te Afecta La Nueva Reforma Tributaria [Infografí…

See Where You Truly Stand Financially with Turbo

Tax Reform 2017: Can I Deduct My Property Taxes I Prepa…

How Tax Reform Impacts You [Infographic]

Tax Reform Bill Passed: Here’s What It Means for You

Tax Reform 2017 Bill Finalized: Here’s What Goes to V…

Tax Reform Legislation 2017: What You Should Know

Absolute Zero – TurboTax Gratis Sin Ningún Compr…

IRS Provides Guidance on the Taxation of Bitcoins and V…

IRS Gives Tax Relief to Victims of California Wildfires

Hurricane Victims Get Additional Relief with the Disast…

NerdWallet Survey: You May Be Missing Out on Free Filin…

IRS Opens E-file on January 23: Get A Jump on Your Tax …

How is Your Oktoberfest Beer Taxed?

NYC Uber Riders Can Now Use Pre-Tax Dollars to Pay for …

Taxes Made Even Simpler with TurboTax and Apple Pay™

Tax Form Arrival: What Other Tax Forms You Should Expec…

How Will You Be Taxed If You Win the Powerball Jackpot?

IRS Announces E-file Opens January 19: Be One of the Fi…

Supreme Court Rules Marriage Equality in All States Fur…

Tax Tips for Same-Sex Couples

Happy President’s Day! What Our Forefathers Thought A…

File Today! The IRS is Now Accepting Tax Returns for t…

Happy Trivia Day! 5 Bizarre Tax Facts You Probably Don…

IRS Announces E-file Opens January 20: Be the First in …

Happy Repeal Day!

IRS Update: Tax Guidance Related to Ebola Outbreak

Tax Extender Update: TurboTax Has the Facts

The History of the 4th of July and Taxes

Massachusetts Extends State Tax Deadline Until April 18…

IRS Announces Tax Relief for Washington State Mudslide …

IRS Announces Immediate Tax Benefits for Contributions …

Facebook CEO Joined $1 Salary Club to Reduce Tax Bite

IRS Resumes Operations: What This Means For Your Taxes

Government Shutdown is Over: IRS Will be Back to Work

IRS Update: The Government Shutdown and Your Taxes

IRS Announcement: Tax Relief for Victims of Colorado S…

Same-Sex Couples Can File 2012 Tax Returns as Single Be…

IRS Announcement: Same-Sex Couples Recognized as Marri…

DOMA Struck Down: What Does This Mean for Your Taxes?

IRS Offers Penalty Relief to Storm Victims Unable to Fi…

IRS Announces Tax Deadline Extension for Boston-Area Ta…

A Century of Income Taxes: The History of Tax Day [Inf…

All Grown Up: The Cost of Raising a Child [Infographic…

How the American Taxpayer Relief Act May Help Your Tax …

The Fiscal Cliff and Your Tax Rate [Interactive]

IRS Update: They Will Begin Accepting Tax Returns with…

IRS Update for Form 8863: Education Tax Credits

Four Decades of Tax Policy and 10 Presidents Fighting f…

Don’t Fear the “Fiscal Cliff”: Turbo…

The Legal State of Marijuana [Interactive]

IRS Announces Extension Deadline for Businesses Impacte…

The Highs and Lows of Unemployment [Interactive]

A Closer Look at Uncollected Online Sales Tax

Health Care Insurance Mandate Upheld: What Does It Mea…


Tanning Tax: Summer Bummer?

The Vices of March: Sin Taxes Meet March Madness

Tax Savings: The President Signed the Payroll Tax Holid…

IRS Updates “Where’s My Refund?”

Payroll Tax Cut Bill Extension is Now Approved!

Payroll Tax Cut Bill Rejected by the House

Spending Bill Passes: What’s Next for the Payrol…

The House Passed the $1Trillion Spending Bill

The House Passes the Payroll Tax Bill

Black Friday 2011: How Will Consumers Spend and Save Ta…

Gaming for Good with TurboTax and Toys for Tots

Taxes On America’s Favorite Beverage: Soda

Debt Ceiling Limit Increase Voted Into Law: What Does …

Cigarette Taxes In Photos

20 Tax Facts That Will Astonish You

The Taxman’s Plan for 2011

What about Tax Relief in Disaster Situations

TurboTax Employees Connect with Customers

IRS Will Begin Accepting Delayed Tax Returns Feb. 14

Free Tax Prep for Low and Middle-Income Taxpayers

SnapTax Mobile App – Snap it! File it! Done!

Some States Experiencing Tax Return Processing Delays

IRS Says Some Taxpayers Must Wait to File 2010 Tax Retu…

President Signs Tax Legislation

TurboTax Online Now Live in Google Chrome Web Store

Does Black Friday Save You As Much Money As You Think?

The IRS May Owe You Money

How Will Proposed Tax Legislation Affect You?