Now Accepted: You Can File Your 2014 Tax Return with TurboTax Today!

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The IRS announced this week that they are opening the 2015 tax filing season on January 20, 2014, but why wait to file your 2014 taxes? TurboTax is accepting tax returns today so that you can get closer to your maximum tax refund. Last tax season about 75% of taxpayers received a tax refund close to $3,000.

Here are 6 quick tips to help you get a jump-start on your tax refund:

  1. Get Your Tax Refund as Fast as Possible with TurboTax W-2 Form Finder
  • If you didn’t receive your W-2 yet, you can still start your tax return now and get your tax refund as fast as possible by importing your W-2 with TurboTax W-2 Form Finder. We can import your W-2 electronically from over one million participating employers and financial institutions so you can finish your taxes sooner.
  1. Don’t Forget What You Did in 2014
  • I’m sure you won’t forget the big things like getting married or having a baby, but our lives are busy and some of the little expenses can add up to big tax deductions.       Don’t forget that your 2014 expenses related to your job search, day camp for the kids, charitable donations, and medical expenses to name a few, may help you get a bigger tax refund.  Make sure you have those receipts in hand when you go online to prepare your taxes.
  1. Get Organized
  • Take time to gather your necessary paperwork, forms, receipts, and checklist for your 2014 taxes.  TurboTax asks simple questions specific to you, but having your documents ready to go will save you time.
  • Keep an empty folder next to where you keep your mail.  When your W-2s and 1099s start to roll in you can keep them all together in one folder.
  1. Double Check Social Security Numbers
  • Make sure you have your correct social security numbers before sitting down to file your taxes.  Incorrect social security numbers for you, your spouse, and dependents will cause you to miss out on valuable tax deductions and credits.
  1. Take One More Available Tax Deduction
  • Even though it’s already 2015 there is still time to contribute to your IRA, putting more money in your nest egg and increasing your tax refund.  You have up until the day you file your taxes to make a contribution for 2014 and lower your taxes.
  1. Don’t wait to file.
  • Last year about 75% of taxpayers received a tax refund and the average tax refund was close to $3,000, so there is no reason to wait!
  1. Don’t Forget TurboTax has Valuable Tools to Help You Accurately File Your Taxes– Whether you have a tax question or would like to track your tax refund, TurboTax has a suite of tools and personalized help so you are never left alone. Here are a few of them:
  • We’re here to answer your questions – Help is on hand when you need it. Talk to credentialed CPAs and EAs live via phone or chat or visit TurboTax AnswerXchange to get your questions answered.
  • Get answers to health care questionsTurboTax Health is here to answer your questions about the new health care law and whether it impacts your taxes.
  • File your taxes across devices – The new TurboTax Mobile App includes the full TurboTax product line up and allows you to move seamlessly across devices so you can start on your tablet or phone and finish online.
  • Check your e-file status and track your tax refund – Once your tax return is e-filed you can track your e-file status and your tax refund on the go with TurboTax MyTaxRefund.

TurboTax is up to date with all the latest tax laws, including the new health care law and you can easily and accurately file your taxes with confidence when you use TurboTax.


56 responses to “Now Accepted: You Can File Your 2014 Tax Return with TurboTax Today!”

  1. I filed my daughters taxes on Jan 24th and it was accepted the same day — it is now March 2nd and we have yet to receive her check- has anyone heard what the hang ups are this year– where’s my refund only says being processed… Or do you know a number we can call to talk to someone their website is not helpful

  2. My husband & I efiled on 1/28, it was accepted that same day, then approved 1/29. It is now 3/2 & WMR is still saying “being processed”. I called IRS, finally got a person & she found out they had to correct something on the return but did not know what. Is this something Turbo Tax did wrong? I thought TT guaranteed correct returns. Now IRS is saying another 6-8 weeks.

  3. I filed with TT on January 25th and it said it was accepted within 30 min.but now its Feb 9th and still nothing. What taking it so long to approve me?

  4. I did my taxes on jan 31 and still have not gotten an email saying it was accepted. Last year I got an email in 20 min. im cincerned

  5. I filed with TT on January 5th . Got an email saying I was one of the “lucky ones” because the irs accepted my return early on jan 12th . Well today is jan 30th and it still has not been approved in fact it just says it has been accepted and is being processed but it doesn’t even say when it was accepted . I know people who filed on the 20th who already got DDD’s does this mean there is a problem with my return ? I thought accepted early meant processed early . I also thought lucky was a good thing too but I’m not feeling very lucky after this . How do I know if there is an issue ?

  6. Do you get your state refund sooner than federal when you use turbo tax for both or is about the same time?

  7. Well when i filed last year, It took about a week and a half to finally get approved which was filling 2/19 then got approved 3/1 so I hope this helps any

  8. TT sent me an email stating the IRS accepted my return on the 20th. When I use the WMR tool, IRS says it’s still processing. Why am I getting 2 different answers?