Where’s My Tax Refund How to Check Your Refund Status (1440 × 600 px)
Where’s My Tax Refund How to Check Your Refund Status (411 x 600)

Where’s My Tax Refund? How to Check Your Refund Status

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The average direct deposit tax refund was close to $3,100 last tax season, and with tax season well underway, it’s no surprise that the most common tax season-related question we’re now hearing is: “Where’s my refund?”

The time it takes the IRS to process your tax refund is based on how you chose to file your tax return – either e-file or by mail.

  • E-filed tax returns with direct deposit: E-file with direct deposit is the fastest way to get your federal tax refund. Typically, the IRS expects to issue most tax refunds within 21 days after acceptance if there are no issues.
  • Mailed paper returns: Avoiding a paper return is more important than ever to avoid refund delays, if possible. The IRS cautions if you need your refund quickly do not file on paper. Usually, the IRS says to allow 4 weeks before checking the status of your refund, and that refund processing can take 6 to 8 weeks from the date the IRS receives your return.    
Close-up of a man taking a picture of a paper check to upload to the bank.

Tax Refund Processing

  • Start checking status 24 – 48 hours after e-file: Once you have e-filed your tax return, you can check your status using the IRS Where’s My Refund? tool. You will need your Social security number or ITIN, your filing status, and your exact refund amount. 
  • Return Received Notice within 24 – 48 hours after e-file: The IRS Where’s My Refund? tool will show “Return Received” status once they begin processing your tax return. You will need the following information when checking refund status: Social security number or ITIN, your filing status, and your exact federal tax refund amount shown on the tax return. You will not see a tax refund date until the IRS finishes processing your tax return and approves your tax refund.
  • Status change from “Return Received” to “Refund Approved”: Once the IRS finishes processing your tax return and confirms your tax refund is approved, your status will change from “Return Received” to “Refund Approved.” The change in status can take a few days, and a tax refund date will not be provided in Where’s My Refund? until your tax return is processed and your tax refund is approved.
  • Where’s My Refund? tool shows refund date: The IRS will provide a personalized refund date once your status moves to “Refund Approved.” 
  • Where’s My Refund? shows “Refund Sent”: If the status in Where’s My Refund? shows “Refund Sent,” the IRS has sent your tax refund to your financial institution for direct deposit. It can take 1 to 5 days for your financial institution to deposit funds into your account. If you opted to receive your tax refund via mail, it could take several weeks for your check to arrive.

 You could experience delays in receiving your tax refund if your return:

  • Includes errors – The IRS has indicated that your refund could be delayed if the information you provided on your tax return does not match the IRS records. 
  • Is incomplete – If you didn’t have all of your documents and filed an inaccurate return
  • Needs further review in general
  • Is affected by identity theft or fraud
  • Includes Earned Income Tax Credit or an Additional Child Tax CreditUnder the Path Act, the IRS cannot issue a refund that includes the Earned Income Tax Credit or Additional Child Tax Credit before mid-February.
  • Includes a Form 8379, Injured Spouse Allocation PDF, which could take up to 14 weeks to process
Close-up of a woman checking her bank account.

Tax Refund Status FAQ

Will I see a date right away when I check the status in “Where’s My Refund”? 

The IRS Where’s My Refund? tool will not give you a date until your tax return is received, and processed, and your tax refund is approved by the IRS.

It’s been longer than 21 days since the IRS has received my tax return, and I have not received my tax refund. What’s happening?

Some tax returns take longer than others to process depending on your tax situation. Some of the reasons it may take longer include incomplete information, an error, or the IRS may need to review it further.

I requested my money be automatically deposited into my bank account, but I was mailed a check. What happened?

The IRS is limiting the number of direct deposits that go into a single bank account or prepaid debit card to three tax refunds per year. Your limit may have been exceeded. In addition, for a small number of returns, the IRS decides there may be indications that the bank account on the return is suspicious and they may decide to issue a check instead.

2,010 responses to “Where’s My Tax Refund? How to Check Your Refund Status”

  1. My name is melissa Mcqueen we filed our taxes on fed 1 2019 and it says it is still processing we got a letter in the mail saying it is going to be another 60 days what us going on it is n Michael Mcqueen name it don’t take hat long to look and make sure everything is ok

  2. My refund filed Feb. 18th and signed up for direct deposit. I still have NOT received a refund. I IRS refund status website is worthless. You receive a message refund still being processed. I want more information. And there is no phone number where you can call an actual person for assistance. I am seeing other comments on refunds not received. I would like to know what is going on especially when one comment states they filed 3/11/19, accepted 3/14/19, approved 3/24/19 and refund 3/27/19. Please someone give me an explanation where is my refund?

  3. I did my taxes for 2018 on February 22, 2019. I still do not have my refund. I get on the IRS2Go app and I go to the IRS site and punch in the information. Always tells me there is no information. I did it on Turbo Tax and mailed on February 23, 2019. On April 6, 2019 will be 6 weeks. What should I do then? Is there a certain number to call?
    Thank You

  4. Filed February 11, been trying to get an answer from the IRS but can’t seem to get anyone on the phone….also unanswered questions. The recording states that they cannot provide any information at this time?! Who do I need to call at this point?

    • Hi Susan,
      Sorry you are having problems with your refund status. The IRS issues all tax refunds. TurboTax does not issue the actual refund. If you have an IRS acknowledgement then they are processing the return. You may also check the status of the tax refund via IRS “Where’s My Refund?” tool.
      Please note you will need the following information when checking on your refund status:
      Social security number or ITIN
      Your filing status
      Your exact refund amount
      Hope this helps. Thank you.

  5. I filed mine not with efile on feb 21 st what do I do it’s says it was not received so do I have to print off and send it somewhere because it’s been over a month

    • Brook, I did not do efile either, but I did send a copy of my taxes I did on Turbo Tax to the IRS. I still have not gotten a response or it will not find the information as I type in the information from where and how Filed Feb 22, 2019 on Turbo Tax. I need a number to call. Does anyone have one? Thanks

  6. I am not sure how much exactly I’m being back and don’t have copies of my returns how do I get copies do i can check the status

  7. I e-filed my tax return through turbotax on Feb 14, 2019 and have not yet received a refund. I do not know how to track the satus.

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