Tax Refunds Where’s My Tax Refund? Read the Article Open Share Drawer Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to print (Opens in new window) Written by TurboTaxLisa Published Jan 31, 2014 - [Updated Sep 7, 2017] 3 min read The IRS officially opened for the 2014 tax season today and a common question asked around this time is “Where’s My Refund?” Many taxpayers also have questions about how the process of getting tax refunds and refund timing works. We know you work hard for your money and wanted to answer some of the most common questions we see about the issuance of tax refunds. Here is a breakdown of how your tax return will progress through 3 stages with the IRS -“Return Received”, “Return Approved”, and “Refund Sent” once you e-file and where you can go to check your refund status so you understand “Where’s My Refund?”: Refund Process Start checking status 24 – 48 hours after e-file – Once you e-file with direct deposit, you can start checking the status of your return 24 – 48 hours after you e-file on the IRS Where’s My Refund tool. Return Received Notice within 24 – 48 hours after e-file – The IRS Where’s My Refund tool will show “Return Received” status once they begin processing your tax return. You will not see a refund date until the IRS finishes processing your tax return and approves your tax refund. Status change from “Return Received” to “Refund Approved” – Once the IRS finishes processing your tax return and confirms your tax refund is approved, your status will change from “Return Received” to “Refund Approved”. Sometimes the change in status can take a few days, but it could take longer and a date will not be provided in Where’s My Refund? until your tax return is processed and your tax refund is approved. Where’s My Refund? tool shows refund date – The IRS will provide an actual refund date once your status moves to “Refund Approved”. The IRS issues more than 9 out of 10 refunds in 21 days or less. Where’s My Refund? shows “Refund Sent” – You’re now closer to your biggest tax refund! If the status in Where’s My Refund? shows “Refund Sent”, the IRS has sent your tax refund to your financial institution for direct deposit. It can take 1 to 5 days for your financial institution to deposit funds into your account. If you requested that your tax refund be mailed, it could take several weeks for your check to arrive. Here are more answers to your common questions about your tax refund: Will I see a date right away when I check status in “Where’s My Refund”? Where’s My Refund will not give you a date until your tax return is received, processed, and your tax refund is approved by the IRS It’s been longer than 21 days since the IRS has received my tax return and I have not received my tax refund. What’s happening? Some tax returns take longer than others to process depending on your tax situation. Some of the reasons it may take longer are incomplete information, an error, or the IRS needs to review it further. What other sources can I use to check my refund status? Once you have e-filed your tax return with TurboTax, you can check your status using MyTurboTax. You can even check your status on the go from your mobile device using TurboTax free app MyTaxRefund. If you haven’t e-filed your taxes yet, you can start today. You may even be able to e-file your federal tax return for free and have your biggest tax refund in your pocket within 21 days. Previous Post 5 Common Tax Forms You Should Expect in the Mail Next Post EITC Awareness Day: Common Questions About Earned Income Tax Credit… Written by Lisa Greene-Lewis Lisa has over 20 years of experience in tax preparation. Her success is attributed to being able to interpret tax laws and help clients better understand them. She has held positions as a public auditor, controller, and operations manager. Lisa has appeared on the Steve Harvey Show, the Ellen Show, and major news broadcast to break down tax laws and help taxpayers understand what tax laws mean to them. For Lisa, getting timely and accurate information out to taxpayers to help them keep more of their money is paramount. More from Lisa Greene-Lewis Follow Lisa Greene-Lewis on Twitter. 3,444 responses to “Where’s My Tax Refund?” « Older Comments Newer Comments » I filed on 2-3-14 and was accepted the same day. On 2-4-14 I got a notice from the IRS that my return was being process how long does it take? Last year I had my return back before the 10th of Feb… It just seem that things are taking longer. Reply I received my Fed refund Friday 2/7. I got accepted federal and state on 1/15. Why is my state refund taking so long? It usually comes first. I am in SC btw. Reply I received a DD of 2/12, how long before the IRS sends the refund to Santa Barabara, anyone know? Reply When you find that out let me know… I have the same date I also have DD 2/12 and was wondering the same thing. When do they send it to SBBT I thought that you didn’t receive a state refund for SC? Reply My status of my refund finally said it was approved and would be direct deposited into my bank by the 12 of Feb but I check like twice a day see in if it moves to the the refund sent on the bar and today I woke up and it keeps telling me my information is incorrect. What is goin on? Reply I filed on the 28 got accepted then rejected because my sons B/day was wrong. Corrected the error then resubmitted, and it has been stuck on Return Accepted every since. I have filed for three other different people and all three have gotten a DDD. Should I be concerned. All I have on the WMR is Topic 152. Reply Mine was accepted on the 31st and still has not updated on the WMR tool. I just called and ordered a transcript and it worked, just trying to get my return like everyone else. It is usually a lot quicker than this. Reply After reading the post about the glitches I figured I would post that my return was submitted on the 28th and still no changes on WMR. When I called the IRS I got the classic response of no info can be given until its been 21 days. So I have been looking for websites to get answers. Thank you all for your comments. They have helped with shedding some light on this delay with the updates and refunds. Reply So when I completed my tax return in turbo tax, i originally said that i was going to mail my returns. i decided to efile them instead. How do i make that change in turbo tax so that i can efile my tax return? Reply I filed on 1/30 and got accepted the same day..and approved on 2/7 with a ddd of 2/12.. Hopefully there not backed up and we 2/12 people have to wait longer..fingers crossed… Reply Why does it take so long for them to send it once they’ve already approved it? If it is approved then why don’t they send it then instead of waiting so long? Reply Help I filed mine on tFeb 3 and its still on return received is that normal Reply I filed with H&R Block. I have a dd date of Feb 10,2014. But on the irs website it doesn’t say refund sent. Reply Hi how long does it take for irs to process a return? Reply Oh no, wheres my refund! Get back to work and stop worrying about it. Calling to request your transcripts is just making them busier. It’ll get there when it gets there. Good god. Reply You stop worrying about others who are worrying. Then I can stop worrying about you worrying about them worrying…………. Why do you even care? I was accepted on 2/1 still no update. Reply What does this mean? On my turbo tax tracker it says filling change state to succeeded_agency and had the date of 2.8.14 it says the same for my state and federal with the exception state has a date of 2.9.14 Reply I filed 1/31 accepted on 2/7 ddd 2/12 also state taxes 2/10 Reply I filed jan 31 n got accepted the same day. The wmr took has been saying recieved since then. Is the system dwn or something? It still says recieved n not approved. Tomorrow will be the 10th n i still have no word if its approved or not. Someone else going thru this? Reply Filed 1/31, Accepted 1/31 got DD date for 2/12 on Friday. My question is, how long will Turbo Tax delay my refund to take their fees? Can I still expect it in my bank 2/12? Reply question is: on my wmr page my status says: we have received your refund is being processed…and not processing so does that mean I could possibly see a DDD.or is it basically the same thing… I filed on 1/30/14 accepted on 1/31/14.. I still have one bar… cant order my return transcript but can get the account transcript.. Reply Well I filed on the 31st and still no ddd. Just leting people no out their that your not alone….or am I alone lol. This is crazy!!! Reply I filed 1/24 have been accepted and am still in processing. I’m not able to order transcripts yet but I’m showing topic 152. Should I worry? Reply My return was accepted on 2/5. I just tried calling 1 (800) 908-9946 and it says they are experiencing technical difficulties. I am trying to get some straight answers here. I have the direct deposit option into my checking account selected, and Efiled. I am trying to get my refund back as soon as possible. Any help is greatly appreciated. Reply How can my tax prepayer know the status of my refund and if I checked the website or app I get We cannot provide any information about your refund. You must wait at least 24 hours after you get the acknowledgement e-mail that your tax return was received by the IRS. She told me I was accepted and approved the 2/04/2014 and it was processed and she’s waiting on a response from the irs on when the refund will be sent. How can she know that and why the app and website saying that ? See after she told me that I received my state on the 2/06/2014 so i am just curious i want to knw how I get the state before federal and does it mean by my refund getting accepted and approved and processed I am getting both state and federal and does it mean that I am approved for my state and federal once she got the confirmation that everything was accepted and approved and processed ? Reply Checked my state tax refund status and it says that the refund amount does not match their calculations and that I need to send documentation. I e-filed and it was accepted. What do they mean? Reply Has anyone received this message: Your tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when available Reply Has anyone received the following message: Your tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when available. Reply I have been saying that for. a week now Reply i got a direct deposit date of feb 10 , wondering if anyone knows whether it will be tonight (Sun) night after midnight or mon after midnight ?? Reply I recieved a direct deposit date for my Maryland state tax refund for 2/7/2014 on Friday but funds are still not in my Bank, anyone else get this? I thinking maybe because out falls on a Friday maybe it will be there on Monday. Reply Do anyone know when they update again Reply HI I need help I efiled on 2/4/14 and the wmr still says my return hasn’t been received yet Reply I filed 1/26 & refund accepted on 1/28 still waiting everybody has a due date tht filed after me for first the 2/6 now 2/10 should I be worried the its said unless u receive a message tht said contact us there’s no need to I jus hope I get my dd soon Reply Empress7 I would start checking it now. I read it irs doesn’t show return sent til its already in the bank. Hope this helps. Reply Filed 1/24 accepted 1/28 wmr online still says recieved as well as hotline! Would I know if something is wrong with my return by now? And there is a * by my 2013 return transcript is anyone else having this issue? Reply I filed our taxes on January 31st. That night they were accepted. When I go onto Where’s My Refund it still shows a status of Accepted. It says that we will get our refund on or before February 21st. Reply I have a dd of 2/10 and it will be deposited onto an Emerald Card. Will I have $ on my card tomorrow am or Tues where today is Sunday? Reply I filed and was accepted on the 31st. WMR still says recived. I realized after filing that I had typed the wrong number when entering my income. I calculated the difference, and it turns out I would’ve got 5 dollars more back on refund when correcting my mistake. But I can’t fix it since I’ve filed already. My question is, will the IRS catch that mistake and fix it, or not catch it and refund me like normal? I know if they don’t catch it I’ll need to file an amended return after I’m refunded. I’m worried because I’ve always gotten my refund back between 6-8 days from filing. Today is day 9 and still not been approved. Reply Has anyone received the following message: Your tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when available. Reply My DDD is 2/10. Does anyone know how soon I can check the SB thing? Reply you can check that anytime. 🙂 Reply Try tomorrow night or Tuesday … Note they said “by”. 2/10 meaning that date is the latest for your DD Reply Yes go on SB page type in your info SS,Filing Status,an the total refund you should be expecting. My DDD was 2/10 I got mines yesterday morning when my bank open! Reply You can check it at anytime. Reply Thank You, Melinda. I checked and its coming up invalid. Yikes! Now I’m back to square one being worried til tomorrow morning. I am in Mississippi. A lot of my friends with dd of 2/10 received theirs either 2/7 or 2/8 already. Reply My daughter’s was suppose to be today and threw turbo tax told her they accept it and then the IRS approved it with a deposit sent date of 2/10 but now after checking they are saying can not give out any information because they have not received it yet. What the ……. Turbo Tax even shows they have had it, the IRS site where my refund even showed accept and then approved and then a date of send out for 2/10 but now showing and saying they have not got. What is going on. Reply Well I filed 1/31 I was processing up until Friday 2/8 I was able to order a return transcript when I check 2/9 morning I had been placed in review and they stated they will send me a letter so if you are able to order a transcript it doesn’t mean u will for sure get a DD the next morning some do I didn’t Reply Okay, thank you. I tryed to order a transit on the 1800 number.Message said please try again later wont give me any options. Reply So sorry about that Natasha you are right that it’s doesn’t mean that you will get a date but it does mean that they have went over it to say the least that’s why you were able to order them but did u have a code or something when u checked the wmr site? Or did it actually say you are placed in review status Reply Jewels they told me I was placed under review but I’m wondering will I at least get what I paid in federal taxes I still can’t order transcript, but I received my refund Feb. 7th. Reply It told you that on the wmr site or a did a irs representative tell you? Because they kept telling me wait 21days that they couldn’t even look at my account. Reply If you get the right person to look at your account they will and the website told me that I don’t know what’s going on I just want my money and I want it now lol I surely understand how u feel I want mine to like today 🙁 and it’s steady saying processing as of today and I ordered my transcripts friday and I didn’t get any update still processing that is all. Right about now any update would make me be like ok now I know but it’s nothing did anything change in your filing status? Reply No jewels everything is the same fromast year that’s why I don’t understand what’s going on No jewels everything is the same from last year that’s why I don’t understand what’s going on How do u order transcript The irs is really doing things different people taxes that shouldn’t be held are being held up it’s really aggervating this year that they are doing this and they keep saying because of the 16day government closure but I doubt that when people that filed after me have already gotten their refunds or deposit date. I will see tommrow if anything changes on mine I have called the number and checked the site to no avil and was able to order the transcripts friday whicj from what u have posted doesn’t mean I will get a dd. ugh Reply Filed 2/26. Turbo tax says its received on 2/29. Wmr does not show any receive status. Filed my boyfriends today and irs has already received and approved but no dd date. Anyone else file two weeks ago and still have no confirmation from IRS that it was received? Why do you have to order transcript? what does that mean? I filed on 1/31 too, turbo tax sent me an email that IRS had received them on the same day, other than that, IRS website WMR has not being able to give me a response and I called and the service was down. Any one knows what is going on? Reply Good morning Natasha, has there been any update with WMR sit for you today. I also called the irs this morning about mines and I asked the lady do she see anything she put me on hold like she was looking then she said oh wait the 21days and I even told her I ordered transcripts she acted like I didn’t. So mines is still processing and I was accepted on the 24th and I even old her if i was being audited let me know something she wouldn’t so I just will be waiting until 21 days to get a answer from them ugh 🙁 Reply what number to you call to speak to IRS person…! help! Update: my state refund was deposited . I checked my account at 6am this morning & it was there. Now waiting on federal Filed on 1/30/14 turbo tax sent message irs accepted my returns 1/31/14. Wheres my refund says refund processing not appected no direct deposit date. Im getting worried. Whats going on? Help!! Reply I keep trying & when I enter my ss it says having technical difficult. And when I try online it says I’m entering the wrong info Reply Hi I filed 1/28/14 n got accepted 1/29/14 n got a estimated due date 2/20/14 but it still says return received…I’m starting to wonder if I should call the IRS? (Efiled)turbo tax Reply Mine is the same thing. Has not changed since 1/28. Not sure what is going on but wish it would hurry up and change. Reply Has anyone received the following message:Your tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when available. Reply mine was accepted 2/2, i got a refund date of 2/12. it just posted sat am on wheres my refund tool. Reply I’m still not able to order a transcript but I have a DDD OF 2/12. My neighbor works for the IRS she says the system has been bogged with transcript orders which is delaying and confusing the system. Reply I got accepted on 2/02/14 still have one bar. Anyone else in this position? I’m starting to get a little impatient lol at least give me a DDD day! Reply No it won’t let me order transcripts but first is said refund sent now it says there a delay in my refund Reply my tax return said it was going to be depostited on 2/6/14 said it was sent. i didnt recieve it due to my netspend card hasnt arrived yet now the IRS site say” There is a delay in processing your tax return and your expected refund date may have changed.”why is it delayed if the payment was already sent? Reply Iv been stuck on the first bar since 2/3/14 I know people who filed after me and already got DDD Reply Hi someone help I filed on 02/01/14 and got received return on 02/05/14, how long does it take to get a ddd? Reply Madelin are you able to order your transcripts usually right after you are able to order our transcripts you will have a deposit date Reply No online is not letting me order the transcript!!! Usually how long does it take to process? Try ordering them from this 1-800-908-9946 it will ask you what tax year put 2013 and if says you will receive a mailed transcript in 5-10 days then they have finished processing your return and you should be receiving a dd soon if it says no record they haven’t procseed your return yet. Reply I called it and its saids the system is down!!! Try back in maybe a hour or 2 usually when it says that they are updating or alot of people are trying to order them Reply Ok I called again and now when I put my ss number its stating that they are experiencing technical difficulties See if you can order your transcript. If so… The next day you will get dd date Reply Gee you ordered yours through the telephone right? Because she is locked out of the online system mine was accepted 2/2, i got a refund date of 2/12. it just posted sat am on wheres my refund tool. Reply Mine was accepted on 2/2 also. I got a refund date of 2/12 also posted Sat. I hope they don’t change the date as 2/12 approaches. I know someone that SAYS this happened to them last week….they got a new date after it got closer . Reply There Were comments Blasting yesterday and before and now ?? Some one hee help Reply Can someone help me. I filed on January 31 and wmr is still not saying return received. Why is it taking so long? Reply I filed on 2/1 and got accepted 2/3 just yesterday morning at about 6am I got a direct deposit of 2/12 so you have to kinda be patient Filed on 1/30, wmr status received on 1/31. accepted on 2/8. DD 2/12 Reply « Older Comments Newer Comments » Leave a ReplyCancel reply Browse Related Articles Tax Refunds Where’s My Tax Refund? How to Check Your Refund Status Tax Refunds TurboTax AnswerXchange Question of the Month: When Will I Get My IRS Tax Refund? Tax Refunds What To Expect When You’re Expecting…a Tax Refund Tax Refunds Where’s My Tax Refund?: IRS Has $153 Million in Undeliverable Tax Refunds Tax Refunds What is the current IRS status on processing returns? Tax Refunds 4 Steps from E-file to your Tax Refund! Announcements Where’s my refund? Tax News IRS Updates “Where’s My Refund?” Tax Tips How to Find Your Tax Refund Tax Tips Find Out When Your Tax Refund Will Be Sent
I filed on 2-3-14 and was accepted the same day. On 2-4-14 I got a notice from the IRS that my return was being process how long does it take? Last year I had my return back before the 10th of Feb… It just seem that things are taking longer. Reply
I received my Fed refund Friday 2/7. I got accepted federal and state on 1/15. Why is my state refund taking so long? It usually comes first. I am in SC btw. Reply
I received a DD of 2/12, how long before the IRS sends the refund to Santa Barabara, anyone know? Reply
My status of my refund finally said it was approved and would be direct deposited into my bank by the 12 of Feb but I check like twice a day see in if it moves to the the refund sent on the bar and today I woke up and it keeps telling me my information is incorrect. What is goin on? Reply
I filed on the 28 got accepted then rejected because my sons B/day was wrong. Corrected the error then resubmitted, and it has been stuck on Return Accepted every since. I have filed for three other different people and all three have gotten a DDD. Should I be concerned. All I have on the WMR is Topic 152. Reply
Mine was accepted on the 31st and still has not updated on the WMR tool. I just called and ordered a transcript and it worked, just trying to get my return like everyone else. It is usually a lot quicker than this. Reply
After reading the post about the glitches I figured I would post that my return was submitted on the 28th and still no changes on WMR. When I called the IRS I got the classic response of no info can be given until its been 21 days. So I have been looking for websites to get answers. Thank you all for your comments. They have helped with shedding some light on this delay with the updates and refunds. Reply
So when I completed my tax return in turbo tax, i originally said that i was going to mail my returns. i decided to efile them instead. How do i make that change in turbo tax so that i can efile my tax return? Reply
I filed on 1/30 and got accepted the same day..and approved on 2/7 with a ddd of 2/12.. Hopefully there not backed up and we 2/12 people have to wait longer..fingers crossed… Reply
Why does it take so long for them to send it once they’ve already approved it? If it is approved then why don’t they send it then instead of waiting so long? Reply
I filed with H&R Block. I have a dd date of Feb 10,2014. But on the irs website it doesn’t say refund sent. Reply
Oh no, wheres my refund! Get back to work and stop worrying about it. Calling to request your transcripts is just making them busier. It’ll get there when it gets there. Good god. Reply
You stop worrying about others who are worrying. Then I can stop worrying about you worrying about them worrying…………. Why do you even care?
What does this mean? On my turbo tax tracker it says filling change state to succeeded_agency and had the date of 2.8.14 it says the same for my state and federal with the exception state has a date of 2.9.14 Reply
I filed jan 31 n got accepted the same day. The wmr took has been saying recieved since then. Is the system dwn or something? It still says recieved n not approved. Tomorrow will be the 10th n i still have no word if its approved or not. Someone else going thru this? Reply
Filed 1/31, Accepted 1/31 got DD date for 2/12 on Friday. My question is, how long will Turbo Tax delay my refund to take their fees? Can I still expect it in my bank 2/12? Reply question is: on my wmr page my status says: we have received your refund is being processed…and not processing so does that mean I could possibly see a DDD.or is it basically the same thing… I filed on 1/30/14 accepted on 1/31/14.. I still have one bar… cant order my return transcript but can get the account transcript.. Reply
Well I filed on the 31st and still no ddd. Just leting people no out their that your not alone….or am I alone lol. This is crazy!!! Reply
I filed 1/24 have been accepted and am still in processing. I’m not able to order transcripts yet but I’m showing topic 152. Should I worry? Reply
My return was accepted on 2/5. I just tried calling 1 (800) 908-9946 and it says they are experiencing technical difficulties. I am trying to get some straight answers here. I have the direct deposit option into my checking account selected, and Efiled. I am trying to get my refund back as soon as possible. Any help is greatly appreciated. Reply
How can my tax prepayer know the status of my refund and if I checked the website or app I get We cannot provide any information about your refund. You must wait at least 24 hours after you get the acknowledgement e-mail that your tax return was received by the IRS. She told me I was accepted and approved the 2/04/2014 and it was processed and she’s waiting on a response from the irs on when the refund will be sent. How can she know that and why the app and website saying that ? See after she told me that I received my state on the 2/06/2014 so i am just curious i want to knw how I get the state before federal and does it mean by my refund getting accepted and approved and processed I am getting both state and federal and does it mean that I am approved for my state and federal once she got the confirmation that everything was accepted and approved and processed ? Reply
Checked my state tax refund status and it says that the refund amount does not match their calculations and that I need to send documentation. I e-filed and it was accepted. What do they mean? Reply
Has anyone received this message: Your tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when available Reply
Has anyone received the following message: Your tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when available. Reply
i got a direct deposit date of feb 10 , wondering if anyone knows whether it will be tonight (Sun) night after midnight or mon after midnight ?? Reply
I recieved a direct deposit date for my Maryland state tax refund for 2/7/2014 on Friday but funds are still not in my Bank, anyone else get this? I thinking maybe because out falls on a Friday maybe it will be there on Monday. Reply
I filed 1/26 & refund accepted on 1/28 still waiting everybody has a due date tht filed after me for first the 2/6 now 2/10 should I be worried the its said unless u receive a message tht said contact us there’s no need to I jus hope I get my dd soon Reply
Empress7 I would start checking it now. I read it irs doesn’t show return sent til its already in the bank. Hope this helps. Reply
Filed 1/24 accepted 1/28 wmr online still says recieved as well as hotline! Would I know if something is wrong with my return by now? And there is a * by my 2013 return transcript is anyone else having this issue? Reply
I filed our taxes on January 31st. That night they were accepted. When I go onto Where’s My Refund it still shows a status of Accepted. It says that we will get our refund on or before February 21st. Reply
I have a dd of 2/10 and it will be deposited onto an Emerald Card. Will I have $ on my card tomorrow am or Tues where today is Sunday? Reply
I filed and was accepted on the 31st. WMR still says recived. I realized after filing that I had typed the wrong number when entering my income. I calculated the difference, and it turns out I would’ve got 5 dollars more back on refund when correcting my mistake. But I can’t fix it since I’ve filed already. My question is, will the IRS catch that mistake and fix it, or not catch it and refund me like normal? I know if they don’t catch it I’ll need to file an amended return after I’m refunded. I’m worried because I’ve always gotten my refund back between 6-8 days from filing. Today is day 9 and still not been approved. Reply
Has anyone received the following message: Your tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when available. Reply
Try tomorrow night or Tuesday … Note they said “by”. 2/10 meaning that date is the latest for your DD Reply
Yes go on SB page type in your info SS,Filing Status,an the total refund you should be expecting. My DDD was 2/10 I got mines yesterday morning when my bank open! Reply
Thank You, Melinda. I checked and its coming up invalid. Yikes! Now I’m back to square one being worried til tomorrow morning.
I am in Mississippi. A lot of my friends with dd of 2/10 received theirs either 2/7 or 2/8 already. Reply
My daughter’s was suppose to be today and threw turbo tax told her they accept it and then the IRS approved it with a deposit sent date of 2/10 but now after checking they are saying can not give out any information because they have not received it yet. What the ……. Turbo Tax even shows they have had it, the IRS site where my refund even showed accept and then approved and then a date of send out for 2/10 but now showing and saying they have not got. What is going on. Reply
Well I filed 1/31 I was processing up until Friday 2/8 I was able to order a return transcript when I check 2/9 morning I had been placed in review and they stated they will send me a letter so if you are able to order a transcript it doesn’t mean u will for sure get a DD the next morning some do I didn’t Reply
Okay, thank you. I tryed to order a transit on the 1800 number.Message said please try again later wont give me any options. Reply
So sorry about that Natasha you are right that it’s doesn’t mean that you will get a date but it does mean that they have went over it to say the least that’s why you were able to order them but did u have a code or something when u checked the wmr site? Or did it actually say you are placed in review status Reply
Jewels they told me I was placed under review but I’m wondering will I at least get what I paid in federal taxes
It told you that on the wmr site or a did a irs representative tell you? Because they kept telling me wait 21days that they couldn’t even look at my account. Reply
If you get the right person to look at your account they will and the website told me that I don’t know what’s going on I just want my money and I want it now
lol I surely understand how u feel I want mine to like today 🙁 and it’s steady saying processing as of today and I ordered my transcripts friday and I didn’t get any update still processing that is all. Right about now any update would make me be like ok now I know but it’s nothing did anything change in your filing status? Reply
The irs is really doing things different people taxes that shouldn’t be held are being held up it’s really aggervating this year that they are doing this and they keep saying because of the 16day government closure but I doubt that when people that filed after me have already gotten their refunds or deposit date. I will see tommrow if anything changes on mine I have called the number and checked the site to no avil and was able to order the transcripts friday whicj from what u have posted doesn’t mean I will get a dd. ugh Reply
Filed 2/26. Turbo tax says its received on 2/29. Wmr does not show any receive status. Filed my boyfriends today and irs has already received and approved but no dd date. Anyone else file two weeks ago and still have no confirmation from IRS that it was received?
Why do you have to order transcript? what does that mean? I filed on 1/31 too, turbo tax sent me an email that IRS had received them on the same day, other than that, IRS website WMR has not being able to give me a response and I called and the service was down. Any one knows what is going on? Reply
Good morning Natasha, has there been any update with WMR sit for you today. I also called the irs this morning about mines and I asked the lady do she see anything she put me on hold like she was looking then she said oh wait the 21days and I even told her I ordered transcripts she acted like I didn’t. So mines is still processing and I was accepted on the 24th and I even old her if i was being audited let me know something she wouldn’t so I just will be waiting until 21 days to get a answer from them ugh 🙁 Reply
Update: my state refund was deposited . I checked my account at 6am this morning & it was there. Now waiting on federal
Filed on 1/30/14 turbo tax sent message irs accepted my returns 1/31/14. Wheres my refund says refund processing not appected no direct deposit date. Im getting worried. Whats going on? Help!! Reply
I keep trying & when I enter my ss it says having technical difficult. And when I try online it says I’m entering the wrong info Reply
Hi I filed 1/28/14 n got accepted 1/29/14 n got a estimated due date 2/20/14 but it still says return received…I’m starting to wonder if I should call the IRS? (Efiled)turbo tax Reply
Mine is the same thing. Has not changed since 1/28. Not sure what is going on but wish it would hurry up and change. Reply
Has anyone received the following message:Your tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when available. Reply
mine was accepted 2/2, i got a refund date of 2/12. it just posted sat am on wheres my refund tool. Reply
I’m still not able to order a transcript but I have a DDD OF 2/12. My neighbor works for the IRS she says the system has been bogged with transcript orders which is delaying and confusing the system. Reply
I got accepted on 2/02/14 still have one bar. Anyone else in this position? I’m starting to get a little impatient lol at least give me a DDD day! Reply
No it won’t let me order transcripts but first is said refund sent now it says there a delay in my refund Reply
my tax return said it was going to be depostited on 2/6/14 said it was sent. i didnt recieve it due to my netspend card hasnt arrived yet now the IRS site say” There is a delay in processing your tax return and your expected refund date may have changed.”why is it delayed if the payment was already sent? Reply
Iv been stuck on the first bar since 2/3/14 I know people who filed after me and already got DDD Reply
Hi someone help I filed on 02/01/14 and got received return on 02/05/14, how long does it take to get a ddd? Reply
Madelin are you able to order your transcripts usually right after you are able to order our transcripts you will have a deposit date Reply
Try ordering them from this 1-800-908-9946 it will ask you what tax year put 2013 and if says you will receive a mailed transcript in 5-10 days then they have finished processing your return and you should be receiving a dd soon if it says no record they haven’t procseed your return yet. Reply
Try back in maybe a hour or 2 usually when it says that they are updating or alot of people are trying to order them Reply
Ok I called again and now when I put my ss number its stating that they are experiencing technical difficulties
mine was accepted 2/2, i got a refund date of 2/12. it just posted sat am on wheres my refund tool. Reply
Mine was accepted on 2/2 also. I got a refund date of 2/12 also posted Sat. I hope they don’t change the date as 2/12 approaches. I know someone that SAYS this happened to them last week….they got a new date after it got closer . Reply
Can someone help me. I filed on January 31 and wmr is still not saying return received. Why is it taking so long? Reply
I filed on 2/1 and got accepted 2/3 just yesterday morning at about 6am I got a direct deposit of 2/12 so you have to kinda be patient