Where’s My Tax Refund?

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The IRS officially opened for the 2014 tax season today and a common question asked around this time is “Where’s My Refund?”

Many taxpayers also have questions about how the process of getting tax refunds and refund timing works.

We know you work hard for your money and wanted to answer some of the most common questions we see about the issuance of tax refunds.

Here is a breakdown of how your tax return will progress through 3 stages with the IRS -“Return Received”, “Return Approved”, and “Refund Sent” once you e-file and where you can go to check your refund status so you understand “Where’s My Refund?”:

Refund Process

  1. Start checking status 24 – 48 hours after e-fileOnce you e-file with direct deposit, you can start checking the status of your return 24 – 48 hours after you e-file on the IRS Where’s My Refund tool.
  2. Return Received Notice within 24 – 48 hours after e-file – The IRS Where’s My Refund tool will show “Return Received” status once they begin processing your tax return.  You will not see a refund date until the IRS finishes processing your tax return and approves your tax refund.
  3. Status change from “Return Received” to “Refund Approved” – Once the IRS finishes processing your tax return and confirms your tax refund is approved, your status will change from “Return Received” to “Refund Approved”.  Sometimes the change in status can take a few days, but it could take longer and a date will not be provided in Where’s My Refund? until your tax return is processed and your tax refund is approved.
  4. Where’s My Refund? tool shows refund date – The IRS will provide an actual refund date once your status moves to “Refund Approved”.  The IRS issues more than 9 out of 10 refunds in 21 days or less.
  5. Where’s My Refund? shows “Refund Sent” – You’re now closer to your biggest tax refund! If the status in Where’s My Refund? shows “Refund Sent”, the IRS has sent your tax refund to your financial institution for direct deposit.  It can take 1 to 5 days for your financial institution to deposit funds into your account.  If you requested that your tax refund be mailed, it could take several weeks for your check to arrive.

Here are more answers to your common questions about your tax refund:

Will I see a date right away when I check status in “Where’s My Refund”? 

Where’s My Refund will not give you a date until your tax return is received, processed, and your tax refund is approved by the IRS

It’s been longer than 21 days since the IRS has received my tax return and I have not received my tax refund.  What’s happening?

Some tax returns take longer than others to process depending on your tax situation.  Some of the reasons it may take longer are incomplete information, an error, or the IRS needs to review it further.

What other sources can I use to check my refund status?

Once you have e-filed your tax return with TurboTax, you can check your status using MyTurboTax.  You can even check your status on the go from your mobile device using TurboTax free app MyTaxRefund.

If you haven’t e-filed your taxes yet, you can start today.  You may even be able to e-file your federal tax return for free and have your biggest tax refund in your pocket within 21 days.

3,444 responses to “Where’s My Tax Refund?”

  1. I have a deposit date for Today Feb 6th and still have yet to see the funds in my account or the WMR say it was sent….anyone know if it will update on the WMR to refund sent prior to receiving the deposit or if the money will just show up in the bank being they only update it once a day

  2. I filed mine through turbo tax on the 26th of Jan and was accepted on the 28th then received a DDD for Feb 6th…just checked the WMR and it still doesn’t say refund sent nor is it in my account yet…just wondering when they will be sending their batches of deposits and if it will update on the WMR prior to receiving the funds

  3. I recieved a deposit date of Feb.6th …..I’ve checked it just now on the wmr and still does not say refund sent and my bank account still has not received anything ???? So where is my refund??

  4. i filed on the 1/20/2014 IRS received n 2/2/2014 till now its still on tax receive bar!! im sure everyone needs a answer!! no e-mails or nothing yet!!..still waiting!! OMG

  5. I filed on 1/24, accepted 1/27 and given a dd of 2/6. Just checked bank thinking it would dd at midnight, notta. Guess we’ll see in the am. Does anyone know if there is a specific time of day the dd is sent to bank?

  6. Says my direct deposit date is feb6th
    But I don’t see it in my bank??? When does direct deposit hit the bank anybody know???

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