TurboTax Answers Most Commonly Asked Tax Questions (1440 x 600 px)
TurboTax Answers Most Commonly Asked Tax Questions (411 x 600 px)

TurboTax Answers Most Commonly Asked Tax Questions

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Although the federal tax deadline is April 15, taxpayers are encouraged to file their taxes now to get their refund ASAP. Most people receive a tax refund each year, and last year, the average federal tax refund was more than 3,000. As taxpayers continue to file their taxes, we are seeing a wide range of tax questions which range from those asked routinely, “can I claim my boyfriend/girlfriend as a dependent?” to those specific to certain credits and deductions this year. To help make the filing process as easy as possible, we’ve answered the most commonly asked questions for this tax season.

Who Can I Claim as a Dependent?

Your significant other probably means many things to you—but are they also worth a deduction or credit? The question of who you can claim as a dependent has confused taxpayers for years.

The short answer: You can claim a “qualifying child” or “qualifying relative” if they meet specific requirements related to residence, relationship to you, age, financial support provided, and income. You may also be able to claim your significant other or friend as a qualifying relative in some cases. You no longer get a dependent exemption for your dependents, but being able to claim them can also make you eligible for other tax benefits.  You may be able to claim credits like the Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for your qualifying child and the Other Dependent Credit (ODC) for your qualifying relative.

You may be able to take the Other Dependent Credit worth $500 if:

  • You are providing support for a non-child dependent like another family member, boyfriend, girlfriend, domestic partner, or friend. You can also claim this credit for your kids 17 and over since you cannot claim the Child Tax Credit once they turn 17 for tax year 2023.
  • They are a member of your household the entire year if they are a non-relative (relatives don’t need to live with you).
  • The relationship between you and the dependent girlfriend/boyfriend does not violate the law; for example, you cannot still be married to someone else. (Also, check regarding your individual state law, as some states do not allow you to claim a boyfriend or girlfriend as a dependent even if your relationship doesn’t violate the law).
  • You meet all the other criteria for “qualifying relatives” (gross income and support).

What is the Earned Income Tax Credit and How Do I Claim it?

The Earned Income Tax Credit is a tax credit for low to middle income wage earners that has lifted millions of people out of poverty, but many people still miss it. Why do so many people miss it? Many think they don’t make enough to file their taxes, so they don’t claim it, or their income changed, but they are not aware that they can qualify. You have to file to get this valuable tax credit, which may help a family with three children who qualify receive a credit worth up to $7,430 for 2023. Families without children may qualify for a credit up to $600.

Family of five eating breakfast.

Does Health Care Reform Still Impact My Taxes?

With tax reform enacted at the end of 2017, there have been questions around the requirements to have health care coverage. Under tax reform, effective as of tax year 2019, the tax penalty for not having health insurance is eliminated. Taxpayers will no longer be required to pay a tax penalty for not having health insurance. 

If you receive health insurance coverage in a qualified health insurance plan purchased from Healthcare.gov or through a State Marketplace, you may have received an Advanced Premium Tax Credit or subsidy to help you pay for your 2023 health insurance, which was based on your projection of your 2023 household income. If your actual income for the tax year is more than what was projected when you applied for health insurance in the Health Insurance Marketplace, then you are required to pay back a portion of the excess Advance Premium Tax Credit or subsidy that you received when you file your taxes.

Are Unemployment Benefits Taxable?

Typically, unemployment income is taxable and should be included in your income for the year. Some states may also count unemployment benefits as taxable income. When it’s time to file your taxes, you will receive Form 1099-G, which will show the amount of unemployment income you received. Form 1099-G will also show any federal taxes you had withheld from your unemployment pay.

 Businesswoman carrying a box of her belongings.

Can I Deduct the Cost of Searching for a Job? Are Moving Expenses for My New Job Tax Deductible?

Unfortunately, for tax years 2018 through 2025, the tax deduction for job search expenses was eliminated on your federal taxes under tax reform, along with all miscellaneous itemized deductions. The tax deduction for moving expenses for non-military taxpayers was also eliminated. In order to deduct certain moving expenses, you must be an active member of the military and moving due to a permanent change of duty station.

What are the Tax Implications of Withdrawing Money Early from a Retirement Account to Pay Bills or Debt?

Typically, withdrawing money early from a retirement account comes with a 10 percent tax penalty if you withdraw your money before age 59-1/2 in addition to the regular income tax on the amount withdrawn. There can be other consequences, too. The retirement money may also bump you into a higher tax bracket, which can result in the taxation of other income, such as social security, that you may have not been taxed on otherwise.

Person transferring money on their laptop.

I Was Impacted by a Natural Disaster in 2023. What Tax Breaks Are Available to Me?

Prior to tax reform, you were able to deduct most losses for uninsured casualty, disaster and theft losses. Under tax reform provisions, deductions for casualty and theft losses have changed for tax years 2018 through 2025. If you suffered a casualty or theft loss as a result of an unusual event like a flood, fire, or some other unforeseen event, you can deduct the loss if the casualty is within a federally declared disaster area or the theft occurred as a result of a federally declared disaster.

The IRS may provide additional special tax provisions to help recover financially from the impact of a disaster when the federal government declares a certain location to be a major disaster area. Depending on the circumstances, relief may be additional time to file returns and pay taxes. 

What are Qualified Education Expenses?

College tuition skyrockets every year, but the U.S. government provides incentives with education credits and deductions. For example, the American Opportunity Tax Credit benefits full-time and part-time college students in their first four years of college with a maximum $2,500 credit per student, provided you meet modified adjusted gross income requirements. You may also be eligible for the Lifetime Learning Credit up to $2,000, even if you take one college course.

I Started My Own Business. Can I Deduct My Home Office Expenses?

Many entrepreneurs are reluctant to write off the business use of their home for fear of being audited. But home office expenses are legitimate tax deductions you shouldn’t miss out on. Keep in mind the space you claim as a home office should be used exclusively and regularly for that purpose. Don’t forget to include the square footage of your home office used for product storage or inventory.

What If I Still Have Questions?

Don’t worry about knowing these tax laws. No matter what moves you made last year, TurboTax will make them count on your taxes. Whether you want to do your taxes yourself or have a TurboTax expert file for you, we’ll make sure you get every dollar you deserve and your biggest possible refund – guaranteed. 

243 responses to “TurboTax Answers Most Commonly Asked Tax Questions”

  1. My son is a 3rd. I’m trying to file my taxes but it won’t accept 3rd or third so how am I supposed to put it down?

  2. I donated my car to the society for the blind last summer and they told me I had a $500.00 tax credit for it. They also said I could transfer it to someone else if I didn’t want to use it. What I want to know is – how do I transfer it?

  3. I just received a letter from the Wisconsin Dept of Revenue, stating that my 2014 and 2016 state tax returns are being audited for failure to report federally tax-exempt interest income. When I check my WI tax returns, I see that TT included that interest income in 2015 and 2017 WI tax returns, but not my 2014 and 2016 WI tax returns…why???? Now I get to pay the tax due + interest + penalties and late fees???
    How about when the fault is due to a TT error, that Intuit/TT pays the interest and penalties and late fees??

  4. Hi there!
    I had to resign from my retail job and as part of it was allowed to cash out my PTO, I make 12.03 an hour and I had 54 hours of PTO making a total cash out of $649.62. What percentage of this amount should I save for taxes? And do I put it under income or under bonuses? If it matters I believe that I will be making under $10,000 before tax this year either way. I also live in Raleigh NC.
    Thank you.

  5. Simple Question??? How long after my Tax Filing is accepted by the IRS will I get my Refund? This should be the number ONE response.

  6. Hi,

    If you file your taxes with your last paystub and the amount that was made was more than what your W2 says.Would it effect your refund,and what can be done to fix

  7. My son and I fill up our taxes separately. We had moved to a new address , we were transfer to a job with the same company. Our moving qualifying expenses are more than $ 2000.00.
    We shared costs with the same credit card and cash. How can we claim the costs in our income taxes? We use Turbo tax every year