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Tax Deductions and Credits

What Are Job-Related Tax Deductions?

Everyday Taxes in Five Major U.S. Cities

New Baby? New Tax Deductions!

TurboTax Answers Your Most Common Tax Questions

Pay These Bills Early to Boost Your Tax Deductions

Tax Extender: Educator Expense Deduction Set to Expire

What Medical Expenses Can I Deduct?

End of Year Tax Tips

7 Year-End Tax Moves to Make to Lower Your Taxes

Charitable donations

‘Tis the Season for Charitable Giving and Tax Ded…

Tax Tips: In Search of a Job? Your Job Search Expense…

Should You Take the Standard or Itemized Deduction?

Medical Expense Deductions – What’s Tax Ded…

Can I Write Off My Dog? (And Other Strange Deductions)

How to Save a Bundle for Your New Bundle of Joy

Your New Little Tax Deduction!

Meet Lauren Young, the TurboTax Deductionista

Uncommon, Silly, and Just Plain Weird Tax Deductions

Shed Holiday Pounds, Get a Tax Deduction

Who Counts as a Dependent for Taxes?

A New Baby and Tax Breaks