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Homeowner Tax Tips

From homeowner tax pointers, to renovation savings tips, TurboTax can help you understand what owning a home can mean to your taxes.

Estate Planning 101: A Step-By-Step Guide

How to Lower Your Property Taxes

Tax Tips for Those Renting Their Home on Airbnb

Is This Tax Deductible? Tax Tips for Landlords and Vaca…

Tax Tips for Second-Home Owners

How Does Your Vacation Home Affect Your Taxes (411 × 600 px)

How Does Your Vacation Home Affect Your Taxes?

Temporarily lived in a different state, tax tips

I Temporarily Lived in a Different State During Coronav…

8 Ways to Save on Home Renovations

What Your Summer Home Renovations Mean for Your Taxes

What is an Estate Tax?

Tax Reform 101: What You Should Know About Changes to t…

Four Changes to Make This Year to Buy Your Dream Home

Does Renting My Apartment on Airbnb Make Me Self-Employ…

Real Talk Series: Do I Have to Report a Home Foreclosu…

Moving? Let Uncle Sam Help Pay for Your Move

Foreclosure and Taxes: What You Need to Know

Tax Extender Update: TurboTax Has the Facts

Mortgage Debt Relief – Is My Forgiven Debt on My Home…

About Rental House Tax Deductions

First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit Guide to Filing Your Ta…

Mortgage Debt Relief for Californians

Making Sense of the Homebuyer Tax Credit

Taking Advantage of the Homebuyer Tax Credit

Two Unmarried People Purchase a Home — Who Gets t…