IRS Will Begin Accepting Delayed Tax Returns Feb. 14

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Important- This post relates to late legislation for tax year 2010 and not tax year 2011.  There were no filing delays for your 2011 taxes.  This is an older post.  There is no need to wait to file your taxes.

The IRS announced yesterday that they will begin accepting returns affected by the filing delays starting on February 14 – just in time for Valentine’s Day!

File Now with TurboTax

The good news is you don’t worry this doesn’t mean you need to wait until mid-February to file your taxes.  TurboTax is ready to accept your return today, whether you’re impacted by the delays or not.

If you claim itemized tax deductions on Schedule A, the higher education tuition and fees deduction and the educator expenses deduction, you can prepare and e-file your return now with TurboTax and we will hold it and then automatically submit your federal tax return to the IRS.  TurboTax will submit your state tax return immediately so you can get you your state tax refund as quickly as possible.

The IRS stated in their announcement that the filing delays, which impact both paper and e-filed tax returns, will affect approximately 9 million taxpayers (based on estimates from last year).

What about your state refund?

We know that everyone wants to get their refund ASAP.  Since TurboTax is the market leader, we have been able to work closely with states to get you your state tax refund as quickly as possible, even if your federal return is delayed until Feb. 14.  Not all other software or tax stores are able to do this for their customers.   To find out if your state is accepting returns from TurboTax now check out this post.

Have any other questions?  Leave them in the comments and we will try to help you out.

133 responses to “IRS Will Begin Accepting Delayed Tax Returns Feb. 14”

  1. My return was affected by the delay in processing education credits, which were supposed to begin processing on the 14th. It’s the 21st and I still don’t have a refund date. How much more of a delay will there be?

    • Same thing happened to us. I filed on Jan 30th delayed until Feb 14th and accepted on the 14th. Still in processing. So frustrating.

      • Yes very. There’s so much information out there, and some of it contradicts what the IRS or TurboTax says. :/

  2. I put my social wrong on my return how can I correct it will the irs just reject it and I can fix it and resubmit please help

  3. I filed with Turbo Tax Jan. 25 and haven’t even seen if the IRS has even accepted my tax refund yet. Can you at least give me a confirmation that they were accepted. A friend filed them for me for dd. This is my first year using this service, I wonder if I should continue next year or not.

  4. I was advised by TPG rep. that IRS only does deposits on Wed. This is not true my friend got her refund on Tuesday and her husband received his Friday. I filed on 1/28/12, with a deposit date of 2/8/12 but it has changed to 2/14/12. Still no money when I checked today irs website says we are still processing your refund. What is going on?

  5. This is saying that federal returns won’t be accepted until the 14th of February for people who E-filed before the 26th & that they’ll get an e-mail saying when IRS has accepted it…I finished E-filing with Turbo tax on January 20th 2012. I got an E-mail from Turbo Tax saying that the IRS had excepted both my state & federal refunds on the following day January 21st 2012. Here it is the 7th of February & I haven’t gotten an e-mail saying it would be delayed. Where is the communication? Why is Turbo Tax not telling people what’s going on? I’ve had to hunt the answers down online because Turbo Tax lied to me. If they supposedly accepted my return on Jan 21st, then why is it saying they won’t be accepted now until Feb 14th??? Please someone explain this to me…I’ve tried using the “Where’s my refund” Site & they can’t seem to find anything on me. Answers please & thank you 🙂 I need my money

    • Hi Samantha,
      This post is related to late legislation in tax year 2010. This has nothing to do with 2011. There was no late legislation for tax year 2011. The IRS is experiencing a delays due to their system delays. If your tax returns were accepted I’m sure you will receive your tax refunds soon.
      Thank you,
      Lisa Greene-Lewis

  6. Ashley, thanks in advance! We are filing our return for 2010 which includes personal and business. We are looking for the transmittal from the IRS. Do you happen to know how quickly they submit the Transmittal or what the time frame is?

    Thank you very much,

    Jeff Harris

  7. HI Jeff,

    Do to the high volume of returns the IRS is receiving, you might see delays in the time it takes to get your refund. I recommend checking the IRS Where’s My Refund tool for the latest information on when you can expect your refund.,,id=96596,00.html

    Keep in mind, the IRS only updates it once a week on Wednesdays, so check back after Wednesday for the most current status.


  8. so are they still delaying taxes i filed mines on feb 10 they said mine would be on the 25th but no later than march 1st so whats the problem

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