IRS Will Begin Accepting Delayed Tax Returns Feb. 14

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Important- This post relates to late legislation for tax year 2010 and not tax year 2011.  There were no filing delays for your 2011 taxes.  This is an older post.  There is no need to wait to file your taxes.

The IRS announced yesterday that they will begin accepting returns affected by the filing delays starting on February 14 – just in time for Valentine’s Day!

File Now with TurboTax

The good news is you don’t worry this doesn’t mean you need to wait until mid-February to file your taxes.  TurboTax is ready to accept your return today, whether you’re impacted by the delays or not.

If you claim itemized tax deductions on Schedule A, the higher education tuition and fees deduction and the educator expenses deduction, you can prepare and e-file your return now with TurboTax and we will hold it and then automatically submit your federal tax return to the IRS.  TurboTax will submit your state tax return immediately so you can get you your state tax refund as quickly as possible.

The IRS stated in their announcement that the filing delays, which impact both paper and e-filed tax returns, will affect approximately 9 million taxpayers (based on estimates from last year).

What about your state refund?

We know that everyone wants to get their refund ASAP.  Since TurboTax is the market leader, we have been able to work closely with states to get you your state tax refund as quickly as possible, even if your federal return is delayed until Feb. 14.  Not all other software or tax stores are able to do this for their customers.   To find out if your state is accepting returns from TurboTax now check out this post.

Have any other questions?  Leave them in the comments and we will try to help you out.

133 responses to “IRS Will Begin Accepting Delayed Tax Returns Feb. 14”

  1. Good Morning,

    I understand the IRS is nit suppose to process delayed returns until feb. 14th which is the un-truth b/c me and my sis use and we both did a schedule A. My return is and has been waiting to be submitted to the irs since jan.13th and my sis did her’s yesterday and it was submitted and excepted by the irs on yesterday and she is scheduled to have her refund on feb.11th. She kept the email so i have proof that this was done..any reason why?

  2. Hi David,

    The IRS Schedule A forms are final now. You can prepare and file both your federal and state returns now. TurboTax will hold your federal return until the IRS begins accepting/processing Schedule A returns on Feb 14. But TurboTax will send your state return directly to your state now for processing, so that you can get your state refund now.

    Hope that helps clarify.


  3. Hi Ewent,

    If you print and mail your return it can take 4-6 weeks before you get your return. This is because someone at the IRS has to get your return and input it into a computer before it can be processed.

    If you e-file, with direct deposit, you can receive your refund in as little as 8 days. Sorry, you had to pay so much for the service though. TurboTax Online does not charge for e-file.


  4. I am not sure I follow the logic in your discussion of the delay in Schedule A, regarding filing state returns now and federal returns after Feb 14.

    If I need to complete the delayed Schedule A itemized deductions for my federal taxes, how can I file my state return now, when the state itemized deductions are based on the same federal form?

  5. I submitted my 2008 taxes the 1st of Jan.2011; my husband was in charge of that year and just forgot!!. I have done every year prior and after and all is well with our returns. We own a business and do schedule A,C,SE and EIC with our 1040 form. When filing a late return, when can we expect our refund? Thanks! Sandra

  6. Would someone mind explaining why e-filing doesn’t produce a faster return than the old method of paper filing? Last year (2010), it took almost a month to get my return. This is hideous when you consider that I paid an additional $50 to my CPA to e-file and the result was not really any different. In the general context of e-filing, it takes the CPA less than 30 seconds to hit the “send” button for the IRS to receive tax filings. For those with little or no year to year changes, this isn’t rocket science.

  7. I haven’t filed tax returns for several years, I had a restaurnt in early 2000-2004 and have been trying to correct those reports, then went to full

    time employment and working fulltime and full time

    care giver for parents, things haven’t gone well.

    How should I go about trying to correct my error of not filing. I have quite a sum of federal income tax money so that should help cover what I

    owe. Do I need a professional preparer or deal with the IRS direct?

    Thank you.

  8. I used the first time home buyer credit in 2008. And now were are to start paying in back using Form 5405. I already filed my taxes yesterday, but they won’t accept it without the form, which is not available until 2/14. I called the IRS and asked if I could still file and then send an amended return after the 14th with the money. They said that I could. How can I do this and still Efile??

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