School tuition and related fees, especially paying for college and a postgraduate degree, can be expensive. However, the tax code provides some relief via education tax credits and deductions to combat the ever-increasing price of these costs. You may be able to deduct qualified expenses paid during the year for yourself, your spouse, or your dependent.
Federal education tax deductions and credits focus on postsecondary education. If you have a child between kindergarten and high school, you may have to check with your state to find other benefits or financial aid options.
For now, let’s focus on higher education and how paying for undergraduate, graduate, professional degrees and courses to improve or acquire job skills might impact your taxes.
Table of Contents
Education Tax Credits ExplainedTop Education Tax CreditsEducation Tax Deductions and ExpensesTake Advantage of Your EducationEducation Tax Credits Explained
Any education credit helps reduce the amount owed on your tax return. That means they don’t directly pay your education expenses or student loan interest; instead, they take into account that you’re paying these fees and give you “tax breaks.”
Here’s the background on education credits:
Eligibility Criteria
According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), not everyone is eligible to claim an education credit. You must be able to check all of these boxes:
- You, your dependent or a third party pay qualified expenses.
- The student is enrolled at an eligible educational institution.
- The student is you, your spouse or a dependent on your tax return.
Qualified Expenses
A qualified educational expense can be anything from tuition to required campus fees. Depending on the credit you claim, you may be able to include the cost of books, supplies and equipment, too. These expenses qualify whether you pay for them with cash/check/card or a loan.

Qualified Educational Institutions
A student needs a Form 1098-T showing they attend a qualifying college. Most accredited institutions count, such as public, nonprofit, and privately-owned for-profit schools. This includes:
- Colleges.
- Universities.
- Trade schools.
- Postsecondary educational programs.
Top Education Tax Credits
The two education tax credits available are the American Opportunity Tax Credit and the Lifetime Learning Credit.
American Opportunity Tax Credit
The American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC) is available to a large number of taxpayers. To claim the full credit, your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) must be $80,000 or less (or $160,000 or less if you’re married filing jointly). You will receive a reduced amount of the credit if your MAGI is over $80,000 but more than $90,000 individually (over $160,000 but less than $180,000 married filing jointly). You can get a maximum credit of $2,500 for each qualifying student.
To be a qualifying student to claim AOTC, the student must meet the following criteria:
- Be enrolled at least half-time for a minimum of one academic period beginning in that tax year. An academic period could be a semester, trimester, quarter, or even a summer school session.
- Pursue a degree or some recognized education credential if they want to claim this credit.
- Be in the first four years of higher education.
- Not have claimed this credit (or the former Hope credit) for more than four tax years.
- Cannot have a felony drug conviction at the end of the tax year.
The credit is calculated based on a maximum of the first $4,000 worth of qualified education expenses per eligible student. The amount of credit is 100% of the first $2,000 you spend on qualified education expenses you paid for each eligible student. For the next $2,000 you spend on qualified education expenses, 25% is covered by the AOTC credit for a maximum total credit of $2,500. This applies to each eligible student — so if you’re a parent with multiple kids in college, you can claim the credit for each one.
Better yet, part of this tax credit is refundable, meaning it can actually pay you by increasing your tax refund. If the credit brings your taxes owed down to zero, you can get 40% of any remaining amount of the credit added to your refund up to $1,000.
Tip: Remember that you may be able to claim this credit for up to four tax years for each different student as long as it’s for different eligible education expenses. That’s one more reason it’s helpful to keep track of your paperwork, especially Forms 1098-E and 1098-T.

Lifetime Learning Tax Credit
Unlike the American Opportunity Tax Credit, you can claim the Lifetime Learning Credit for as many years as you pay qualifying expenses for undergraduate, graduate, professional degree courses and courses to improve or acquire job skills. While there is no limit on the number of years you can claim this credit on your tax return, it is worth up to $2,000 per tax return.
Tip: While you can claim both of these tax credits on the same tax return, it can not be for the same student or the same qualified expenses. TurboTax will help you determine which education credits you qualify for depending on your tax situation.
Education Tax Deductions and Expenses
Although education tax credits are a golden opportunity to get a break from those college fees, you have other options, too — especially when it comes to loans and interest. Here are a few tax breaks you might qualify for:
Student Loan Interest Deduction
The federal government allows you to deduct up to $2,500 of the interest you repaid on your student loans. Better yet, you can do that each year. You’re only eligible for the deduction if your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) is less than $90,000 for single filers and less than $185,000 if married filing joint.
You will not be able to qualify for a student loan interest deduction if you are married and filing separately.
Tip: Keep good records of all your expenses and spending over the tax year. This makes it easier to get the credits you deserve.
Tuition Reimbursement
If you’re a student with a job, you might have a leg up. Ask your employer if you are eligible for tuition reimbursement from your company.
Take Advantage of Your Education
Pursuing postsecondary education is a big step — and often a pricey one. Fortunately, you can take qualified tuition and related expenses down a peg with a few well-chosen credits, deductions and tax breaks.
My son was in college untile august of this year and decided to quit and come home, can I still put him as a full time student on my taxes since he came home?
Our daughter is attending undergraduate school out of town and has received a variety of scholarships (academic, not need based) that cover 95% of her tuition. We pay for the remaining 5% of tuition in addition to the cost of books, rent, food, utilities etc. She is also required to work 60 hours a semester for her scholarships. What portion of these expenses are deductible?
Can you use room and board
I’m 27 years old and full time student with a seasonal partime, gross income by the end of this tax year won’t exceed $7000. The tuition in the University is 3000 per semester. I have Financial Aid and I’ve been taking all my loans.How the American Opportunity Tax Credit will benefit me and what impact will have the Obama Care law on my taxes. Thank you!
I have a situition where for the last three now my husbsnd and I being supporting my nephew he is 34 yr old, he injuryed his back and has not been able to work . He started going to school and study for a career that does not require standing. But he was also declared disable by a judge a few months ago his condition is getting worse. Would I be able to claim him.
My dependent is now 18 and I will not be able to claim him this year. Can he file taxes for the education credit even though he has no job and I pay the college expenses?
Can you claim tution on your child if you do not claim her on your taxes?
Hi Brenda,
No they have to be claimed as a dependent on your taxes in order to get the education tax credit or deduction.
Thank you,
Lisa Greene-Lewis
I have question. My father has been living with me for the last 4 years. He is 83 years old and collects only social security. Can I claim him as a dependent? Thanks, Sharrie
Hi Sharrielea,
You would be able to claim him as long as his social security doesn’t cover over half of his own support and you provide over half of his support.
Thank you,
Lisa Greene-Lewis
I have a son who is an undergrad and a dependent, plus my wife is going to grad school. I have paid more that $4,000 in tuition and fees for each of them. Since it involves two family members, can I get both the American Opportunity tax credit because of my son and the tuition and fee tax deduction because of my wife?
Hi Rob,
Yes you would be able to as long as you meet the income requirements.
Thank you,
Lisa Greene-Lewis
My mother just sold a home (not her homestead) and purchased another of a higher value. Would she have to pay on the first amount as income?
She is thinking of selling another piece of land, that was left to her. If she sells it this year, would she be paying on that as income, or would part of that amount equal out the previous transaction? So she would only pay income on the remainder.
Thank you
Besides books and computer purchase. What are some of the things that can be deducted for taxes when you have a new freshman in college
Hi Tracie,
The gain on the sale (selling price-purchase price-selling expenses-depreciation) is taxable income. If she had a qualified 1031 exchange, she would only have to include as much gain as she received in cash or debt reduction.
Selling land is also a taxable event if there is a profit. Each transaction would be reported separately.
Thank you,
Mary Ellen