Lisa Greene-Lewis
Lisa Greene-Lewis

Lisa Greene-Lewis

Lisa has over 20 years of experience in tax preparation. Her success is attributed to being able to interpret tax laws and help clients better understand them. She has held positions as a public auditor, controller, and operations manager. Lisa has appeared on the Steve Harvey Show, the Ellen Show, and major news broadcast to break down tax laws and help taxpayers understand what tax laws mean to them. For Lisa, getting timely and accurate information out to taxpayers to help them keep more of their money is paramount.

Government Shutdown is Over: IRS Will be Back to Work

IRS Resumes Operations: What This Means For Your Taxes

IRS is Officially Open for the 2014 Tax Season Today!

Facebook CEO Joined $1 Salary Club to Reduce Tax Bite

IRS Announces Tax Relief for Washington State Mudslide and Flooding Victims

Massachusetts Extends State Tax Deadline Until April 18th

Tax Extender Update: TurboTax Has the Facts

IRS Announces E-file Opens January 20: Be the First in Line for Your Tax Refund

File Today! The IRS is Now Accepting Tax Returns for the 2015 Tax Season

Supreme Court Rules Marriage Equality in All States Further Simplifying Tax Preparation for Same-Sex Couples

Tax Extender Update: You May Find Out Earlier if Expired Tax Provisions Will Save You Money