New Year’s Financial Resolutions at an All Time High[Infographic]

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The New Year’s eve ball dropped and the last drop of champagne was sipped as everyone rang in the New Year.  Now it’s time to do what everyone does best this time of the year (besides get ready to file taxes).  Reflect on the past year and make New Year’s resolutions that you can hopefully keep.  Every year people claim New Year’s resolutions, whether they’re related to fitness or financial fitness, but how many people actually keep those resolutions and what are the top New Year’s resolutions?  Surprisingly, there has been a shift in the top resolutions.  Our infographic shows 2013’s top New Year’s resolutions, the challenges of keeping them, and tips used to keep them.

What’s your New Year’s resolution? Do you always make them? Can you keep them?

Infographic by Column Five Media

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