Estimate Your 2024 Refund

Estimate how much money you’ll get back when you estimate your refund with TurboTax.

File faster on app

Max Refund Guarantee

Whether you file yourself or get expert help, you’ll get your maximum refund guaranteed, or your money back.

accuracy guarantee icon

File 30% Faster On Our App

On average, customers using our mobile app take 30% less time to file compared to time taken on our website.

easy to do taxes icon

100% Accuracy Guaranteed

TurboTax calculations are 100% accurate so your taxes will be done right, guaranteed, or we’ll pay you any IRS penalties.


File for $0 on the app

Switch to TurboTax, do it yourself and file for free on the app by 2/18. See offer details

Here’s what our customers are saying

rating star rating star rating star rating star rating star

The easiest return ever this year!

“I can not believe how fast and easy it was to file this year! And TurboTax got me the best refund available! Thank you TurboTax!”

RubiTuesday, VA

TurboTax Free Edition

rating star rating star rating star rating star rating star

Great product

“Easy to use. Great refund. Will use again every year!!”

Leah 98, Oklahoma

TurboTax Deluxe

rating star rating star rating star rating star rating star

Best service, was very helpful!

“Amazing, I got my max refund and was very user friendly.”


TurboTax Free Edition


All tax forms. $0 in the app.

Switch to TurboTax, do it yourself by 2/18 to file for free on the app.

  • This offer is valid only if you didn’t file with TurboTax last year.
  • To qualify, you must start and file your taxes using the TurboTax mobile app.
  • This offer is only available for the “Do it yourself” product. TurboTax Live products are excluded.
  • To redeem offer, taxes must be filed by February 18, 2025.

Get your taxes done right and your biggest tax refund—guaranteed

Tax Return Lifetime Guarantee

Your tax return, backed for lifeTM

100% accurate calculations, audit support, and your max refund. All backed for the full 7-year life of your tax return.

Maximum Refund Guarantee

Your best tax outcome

Whether you file yourself or get expert help, you’ll get your maximum refund guaranteed, or your money back.

Accurate Calculation Guarantee

Taxes done right

TurboTax calculations are 100% accurate so your taxes will be done right, guaranteed, or we’ll pay you any IRS penalties.