Tax News IRS Will Begin Accepting Delayed Tax Returns Feb. 14 Read the Article Open Share Drawer Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to print (Opens in new window) Written by TurboTaxAshley Published Jan 21, 2011 - [Updated Jul 11, 2019] 1 min read Important- This post relates to late legislation for tax year 2010 and not tax year 2011. There were no filing delays for your 2011 taxes. This is an older post. There is no need to wait to file your taxes. The IRS announced yesterday that they will begin accepting returns affected by the filing delays starting on February 14 – just in time for Valentine’s Day! File Now with TurboTax The good news is you don’t worry this doesn’t mean you need to wait until mid-February to file your taxes. TurboTax is ready to accept your return today, whether you’re impacted by the delays or not. If you claim itemized tax deductions on Schedule A, the higher education tuition and fees deduction and the educator expenses deduction, you can prepare and e-file your return now with TurboTax and we will hold it and then automatically submit your federal tax return to the IRS. TurboTax will submit your state tax return immediately so you can get you your state tax refund as quickly as possible. The IRS stated in their announcement that the filing delays, which impact both paper and e-filed tax returns, will affect approximately 9 million taxpayers (based on estimates from last year). What about your state refund? We know that everyone wants to get their refund ASAP. Since TurboTax is the market leader, we have been able to work closely with states to get you your state tax refund as quickly as possible, even if your federal return is delayed until Feb. 14. Not all other software or tax stores are able to do this for their customers. To find out if your state is accepting returns from TurboTax now check out this post. Have any other questions? Leave them in the comments and we will try to help you out. Previous Post Free Tax Prep for Low and Middle-Income Taxpayers Next Post What about Tax Relief in Disaster Situations Written by TurboTaxAshley More from TurboTaxAshley 133 responses to “IRS Will Begin Accepting Delayed Tax Returns Feb. 14” « Older Comments Newer Comments » So, reading the comments, can see there are lots of concerns about whether this was a TurboTax issue or something that impacted all e-file transmitters. For those that would like more info on this, here is a press release that CERCA issued on the matter: Ashley Reply HI Everyone, Some good news for you. As of 7pm (PST) last night, we had transmitted all held returns to the IRS. We understand that this caused a lot of anger and frustration and thank you for your patience this week. You will receive an acknowledgment from TurboTax, once your return is accepted by the IRS. That usually takes 24-72 hours. Once your return is accepted by the IRS, the IRS processes your refund based on the IRS E-file Refund Cycle Chart. You can go to the IRS E-file Refund Cycle Chart to get the projected date of your refund based on normal processing. (link to PDF chart: ) To find out when the IRS currently expects to issue your refund, check the IRS “Where’s My Refund” tool. “Where’s my Refund?” is updated every Wednesday, so check after Wednesday for the most up to date information. (,,id=96596,00.html ) Ashley Reply Hello. I filed my state tax on the 10th of Feb. and I have not yet recieved a deposit. Reply Hello! Quick question, my return says it was accepted but not yet acknowledged, does that mean it was accepted in time for tomorrow’s deadline, and I will have the refund next week? Reply Thank You Ashley for keeping us updated. I’m sure this had to be frustrating on your side also and appreciated being kept up to date on what was going on and why. I had repaying the home buyers credit that delayed my refund, so am hoping to see an update on it soon. Reply Just wanted to give everyone an update. All held returns will be transmitted to the IRS by the end of the day today. You will receive an acknowledgment from TurboTax, once your return is accepted by the IRS, usually within 24-72 hours after it’s been received. Ashley Reply Hi Cynthia, Once your return is accepted by the IRS, the IRS processes your refund based on the IRS E-file Refund Cycle Chart. You can go to the IRS E-file Refund Cycle Chart to get the projected date (this can change) of your refund based on normal processing. (here is a link to PDF chart: To find out when the IRS currently expects to issue your refund, check the IRS “Where’s My Refund” tool. “Where’s my Refund?” is updated weekly, every Wednesday, so check after Wednesday for the most up to date information. (here is a link:,,id=96596,00.html) Hope this helps clarify. Ashley Reply I am getting worried. I submitted my taxes to Turbo Tax a couple of weeks ago. My Maryland return was already accepted and I got my refund! But I really expected my Federal Return to be “accepted” by today. I am afraid April will roll around and my Federal return will still be in limbo. Can I just cancel it with Turbo Tax and send in the paper copy? This is a real mess. True the Feds started it but I cannot find any good information on Turbo Tax’s website! Reply Just curious if there is a time schedule for submissions on delayed returns. I have been a loyal turbotax user for at least 6 years but it doesn’t seem fair that my sister filed on Monday and already her taxes have been accepted and I filed Feb 2nd and no end in sight. Reply Hi, I’m totally confused with all the delays going on I have a question i e-filed on Feb,3 and was accepted the next day Feb,4 my estimate tax return date was Feb,18 now they changed it to the 22nd it doesn’t say its been delayed or anything and I didn’t claim itemized tax deductions on Schedule A, the higher education tuition, fees deduction and the educator expenses deduction so my question is will my return be interrupted by the ppl delayed or should it still be on track? Please Help!! Thank You! Reply I sent my taxes on Turbo Tax February 1, 2011 03:32 PM PST. It was Sent to Tax Authority February 15, 2011 03:11 PM PST. If this helps anyone with when theirs will be submitted. Reply If it’s any help to anyone I filed on January 21 with turbotax and my return was accepted tonight. Reply hi i had my redund delay but i think they ready accepted and i went to ( wheres my refund)and it says that me refund is going to be on february 18 did you think they are saying the truth shoould i espected my refund Reply My Federal Taxes were accepted by Turbo Tax on 1/16/2011. I still do not show that my form has been filed. My question is how someone who filed with H&R Block 3 weeks after I did with the same delay has already had their form accepted by the IRS. January 16th seems like it would be on the first in list and I am just confused as to the delay. Please advise. Reply Jacquelyn is right, the question of where your transmissions stand is being evaded, and that does not look good. I am quite certain there are people there who can answer the question, “Have you finished transmitting the submissions from month of January to the IRS yet?”. Since you email the people whose transmissions have been accepted by the IRS, you also have access to the date they submitted to TurboTax. This is a simple question – not when am I getting my refund, but what date are you up to since you keep track of who was first in and first out? We would really appreciate an answer before the blogosphere and social media sites get any angrier. Reply Hi angela, That would depend on what state you are in. Do you file a state return for: Alabama Arkansas Iowa Minnesota Vermont If you do, your state is not accepting your itemized returns until the IRS does. Here is a post with more information. Ashley Reply Hi All, We are submitting as many held returns daily as the IRS systems will allow, which is why we aren’t able to give you a date your return will be submitted. We are submitting them in first in, first out basis. Once your return has been submitted it could take up to 72 hours for the IRS to send you a confirmation. Also, the IRS “Where’s My Refund” tool is only updated once a week, so it may not show accepted even though your return has been sent and accepted by the IRS. How the IRS system works: The IRS batches refunds every Friday. All returns that are accepted by 11:00 a.m. ET on Thursday are paid via direct deposit the following Friday. If the taxpayer e-filed their return, but elected to get their refund by check, it will be mailed the subsequent Friday. For example, a return is accepted by the IRS by 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time on Thursday, March 3, the taxpayer would be paid via direct deposit on the following Friday, March 11. If the taxpayer elected to get the refund by check, it would be mailed on Friday, March 18. What this means is, if your return is accepted by the IRS before Thursday at 11AM, the date you will receive your refund will not be any different than if they accepted it Monday. I hope this helps. Ashley Reply Hi Malone Dunlavy, No, you do not. You are done with your taxes! Ashley Reply If I already filed my taxes and got my federal refund… like a week ago, do I have to refile or something for the changes? Reply TurboTax, I have a suggestion. Obviously a million people are going ballistic because their tax return transmissions are being delayed. I called your customer service and they said they had no way of telling me when mine would be put through, although I submitted to you on 2/2. Your website indicates “first in, first… out”. Therefore, SOMEONE there is aware of the submission dates for the batches that have been sent to the IRS the past 2 days, or they would not know what was first in/out. We also are aware that the cutoff date with the IRS accepting the transmission is Wednesday nights, for direct deposit on the following week Friday. Now, you could ease a lot of this uproar if you would just post your progress with the dates, so we can figure out in what week’s batch our return will process. A simple updating statement such as “all returns accepted by us through 2/5 were processed as of today” would go a LONG way to cut the calls to your support center, and allow your customers to better plan for their anticipated direct deposit. Please, won’t you pass this suggestion up the chain of command until you find someone who KNOWS the IRS batch transmission status by date? Otherwise, the first in/first out statement is false because no one there is keeping track……thank you Reply so was the question anwered? why those who did their taxes yesterday have already got accepted and the people that did theirs last month are still pending? Reply Why does this Turbo Tax Ashley lady keep dodging the 1 questions everyone wants to know , How many batches are are being sent daily. GIVE US SOME DATES! I filed in mid Jan. and still haven’t gotten an email saying it was transmitted. Reply they are all liars!! My friend filed itemized on Feb 2nd and all ready has her return, and she did it through turbo tax. I did mine last week, it said it would be filed yesterday, but as of now IRS does not have my return!! By the way there were 2-3 other people who itemized and have their returns all ready also. So how about a refund from turbo tax? Or maybe some interest on our money. Just think they collected our money and did not file our returns! Called fraud. Reply We know everyone is VERY frustrated. For now I have shared all the information that I have. I will update you guys here if I get any additional information. Thanks for your patience on this. We are working hard to get everyone their refunds as quickly as the IRS systems will allow. Ashley Reply It might help if we knew what percentage of returns in the pre-Feb. 14th pile have been transmitted (i.e. 80% returns dated January 1-10 have been transmitted, etc.). I understand that the IRS is asking you to stagger the flow but it’s disconcerting that, after being told returns would transmit on February 14, we still have no idea what the status is. Getting an e-mail upon transmission doesn’t help – that could be a month from now. All I know right now is that TurboTax received them last month. Reply OK so we filed on 2/13- I understand having to “stand in line” to have my FEDERAL return sent, but WHY hasn’t my STATE return been sent??? Reply This is my first year using Turbo Tax, I was referred to this web site from many friends and family. I usually got to a tax service company. I am very disappointed that my return hasnt been sent to the IRS yet. I filed On February 1, 2011 and was told that it wold be sent to teh IRS on February 14th. Staggering? So where does that leave me? Im a stay at home Mom and live pay check to pay check and delayed all my bills until the 24th thinking I would get my refund that day… When exactly will it be sent to the IRS? I guess this is the first and last year Ill ever use Turbo Tax.. Im very disappointed!!! Reply is Turbo Tax only able to send them in once daily or through out the day and night ?? Reply Hi just curious from what I have been reading there is a back log of returns. Can you tell me approximately how may returns you have on back log and how many returns you can e-file daily? Just to give me a sense of how long it will be before my return will be efile. Thank you. Reply “There’s no need to wait to file your taxes this year,” said Bob Meighan, CPA and vice president of TurboTax. “By e-filing now with TurboTax, your return is in the queue when the IRS starts processing refunds. TurboTax will notify you the moment your return has been e-filed with the IRS and we’ll let you know when to expect your federal refund. In addition, we’re working with states to help our customers get their state tax refunds without delay. There’s no reason to wait or worry with TurboTax.” This statement is untrue “”There’s no reason to wait or worry with TurboTax.”” but this is so,so so true Bob “”By e-filing now with TurboTax, your return is in the queue when the IRS starts processing refunds”” >> what a long long line people would of been better off waiting until the 14th or 15th of Feb to do there e-files, now people that did it early in January and paid you $ have to wait longer even though people who do it today or yesterday go right to the front of the line ?? Explain that Mr.Meighan. I usually use Turbo Tax yearly BUT NOW REALLY UNSURE IF RETURNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reply Why is turbo tax not holding new returns until existing returns are submitted? If I had waited and submitted today, it would have gone through, but now my return is in limbo and no one can tell me when it will be submitted. This whole thing has been very deceptive of Turbo Tax. We are told they will be filled on the 14th, now it is the 14th-18th and I am sure on the 18th it will be another story. Never again will turbo tax get my business. Reply It amazes me that IRS is so slow to accept returns. IF the taxpayer is late filing they would show no mercy. They probably used Indian programmers. Reply No mercy at all. Fees, interest, and penalties. Sadly, they make the rules and do not have to follow them! I hope that everyone understands that this is not the fault of Turbo Tax. Write your Congressman. You should be blogging, tweeting, and sending letter to your government rep that help up this process with the fiscal cliff nonsense. Turbo tax is simply following the rules. Reply TurboTax is the fastest, easiest way for you to get your full refund ++++ SO NOT TRUE Reply I completed my taxes on January 30th and paid Turbo Tax $75 dollars and now today is the 14th and did Turbo Tax file my taxes? Nope they didn’t. I really think they have been misleading and if I had known they were going to get my money God knows how long before I got mine, would have probably not paid them and used another program. Unfortunately Turbo Tax is just right to the line of not being a bunch of crooks. Reply I do not know why TruboTax is letting people who file today get processed today. I did my taxes 30 days ago. They should be put in the back of the line. In order to beat the tax deadline of 17th at 11:00 AM can I amend tax return change nothing so trubotax will processes it today. Reply Great post. I just sltbmued upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed browsing your blog posts. In any case I’ll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you write again soon! Reply Hi Rebecca, We are glad you enjoy the blog! We will be providing new and interesting topics daily. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis Ok that’s for the updates and I know there are plenty that are more frustrated . I just did not read or see anything until today that there be more delays coming from the IRS in processing these returns. I can understand they could not take them all in at once but seems Turbo Tax was somewhat misleading by saying — “In the face of these delays, TurboTax is the fastest, easiest way for you to get your full refund” again seems I should of waited until today to e-file at least it would of went through, now if it does not go through and accepted before 2/17 by 11am have to wait a whole another week for a direct deposit as other will too…… [also is Turbo Tax only able to send them in once daily or thru out the day and night ??] Reply Hi JHB, I understand you are very frustrated. Yes, you will receive an e-mail from TurboTax when your return has been submitted to the IRS and then an e-mail acceptance from the IRS within 24-72 hours. Ashley Reply Hi Carmen, I am not sure I understand the question. Did your partner already file his return? If he has already filed, he will need to wait until the IRS accepts or rejects his return and then file an amended return. If he hasn’t filed yet, he can go ahead and go in and add it, no charge. Hope that helps. Ashley Reply My partner already did his W2 and a day or 2 later another one arrived, and he wants to kno how much it will cost to add it? Reply In addition, seems like the people that e-filed early and were on hold with Turbo Tax are going to get screwed meaning someone that does it today or tomorrow with Turbo Tax will possibly go through quicker than someone doing it in early January ? Reply I keep reading were you say “You will receive an email when your return has been accepted by the IRS, usually within 24-72 hours after it’s been received.” But isn’t Turbo Tax sending e-mails stating this—- (Success! Your e-file transmission went through. It will take 1 or 2 days for the government to process and accept your returns) so people have a idea at least what turbo tax was doing ? Also I read nothing about the IRS was only going to take certain amount here and there from all the tax places! I thought Turbo Tax was going to be the fastest bestest way to do it ?? If so could you give me the site giving out this information, it really tells no one nothing just more waiting possibly…………….. Reply Hi Reyna, Yes, TurboTax will process returns on a first-in, first-out basis. You will receive an email when your return has been accepted by the IRS, usually within 24-72 hours after it’s been received. Currently, the IRS is working through its backlog of tax returns as quickly as possible. You may not see a change in your e-filing status until the end of the week. Ashley Reply I submitted my forms on January 11,2011 and have yet to see a change in my status, are they being processed in any certain order? alphabetically?according to date of submission? Reyna Reply HI JHB and Karen, TurboTax has already started sending returns that were being held due to processing delays. However, during the week of Feb. 14-18, the IRS is limiting the number of tax returns it accepts daily to manage their systems capacity and ensure successful filings of all returns. The IRS has required transmitters of e-filed returns to stagger submission of returns from Feb. 14 to Feb. 18. This means that you might experience delays in your return processing and in the time it takes to receive your federal tax refund. We know getting a fast refund is important and we are working closely with the IRS to process all tax returns as quickly as their systems will allow. You will receive an email when your return has been accepted by the IRS, usually within 24-72 hours after it’s been received. Ashley Reply Figures today is 2/14/11 and it is 8am on the east coast here and still the IRS has not been sent my return ?? You would think they start sending them in after midnight but then again guess Turbo Tax does not want to be up that late working for their customers !!!!!!!!!! wonder if HR Block and others are waiting as well??? Reply Will those returns affected by the new tax laws for February 14the be under the same refund cycle? Reply I suppose to receive my refund 2/10/2011 & its already released but isn’t in my account!! Whats going on & how long will I have to wait to get my refund??? Reply Will the IRS start excepting the returns at 12:01am on 2/14 or will it when their office would normally be open.I’ve done taxes for 2 other people who didn’t itemize and their returns were excepted at different times for example I did my son’s at 10 pm and was excepted by 12am that night. Reply My taxes were already accepted my federal on feb 2nd but the site say they will mail my check on the 14th but i wanted it deposited on to turbo tax card.when should i get it.. Reply By the way, this is the statement as I see it printed, “TurboTax is ready to accept your return today, whether you’re impacted by the delays or not”, which looks good to me. Reply « Older Comments Newer Comments » Leave a ReplyCancel reply Browse Related Articles Tax News Some States Experiencing Tax Return Processing Delays Tax News IRS Says Some Taxpayers Must Wait to File 2010 Tax Returns Tax News IRS Announces E-file Opens January 20: Be the First in Line for Your Tax Refund Tax News IRS Update: They Will Begin Accepting Tax Returns with Education Credits and Depreciation TurboTax News Government Shutdown 2019 Update: You Can File Now With TurboTax Tax News IRS Announces E-File Open Day! Be the First In Line for Your Tax Refund Tax News IRS Opens E-file on January 23: Get A Jump on Your Tax Refund Tax News Tax Day Update: TurboTax is Accepting E-Filed Tax Returns Latest News California Wildfire IRS Tax Relief Announced: What You Need to Know Tax Refunds Avoid IRS Tax Refund Delays with These Easy Filing Tips
So, reading the comments, can see there are lots of concerns about whether this was a TurboTax issue or something that impacted all e-file transmitters. For those that would like more info on this, here is a press release that CERCA issued on the matter: Ashley Reply
HI Everyone, Some good news for you. As of 7pm (PST) last night, we had transmitted all held returns to the IRS. We understand that this caused a lot of anger and frustration and thank you for your patience this week. You will receive an acknowledgment from TurboTax, once your return is accepted by the IRS. That usually takes 24-72 hours. Once your return is accepted by the IRS, the IRS processes your refund based on the IRS E-file Refund Cycle Chart. You can go to the IRS E-file Refund Cycle Chart to get the projected date of your refund based on normal processing. (link to PDF chart: ) To find out when the IRS currently expects to issue your refund, check the IRS “Where’s My Refund” tool. “Where’s my Refund?” is updated every Wednesday, so check after Wednesday for the most up to date information. (,,id=96596,00.html ) Ashley Reply
Hello! Quick question, my return says it was accepted but not yet acknowledged, does that mean it was accepted in time for tomorrow’s deadline, and I will have the refund next week? Reply
Thank You Ashley for keeping us updated. I’m sure this had to be frustrating on your side also and appreciated being kept up to date on what was going on and why. I had repaying the home buyers credit that delayed my refund, so am hoping to see an update on it soon. Reply
Just wanted to give everyone an update. All held returns will be transmitted to the IRS by the end of the day today. You will receive an acknowledgment from TurboTax, once your return is accepted by the IRS, usually within 24-72 hours after it’s been received. Ashley Reply
Hi Cynthia, Once your return is accepted by the IRS, the IRS processes your refund based on the IRS E-file Refund Cycle Chart. You can go to the IRS E-file Refund Cycle Chart to get the projected date (this can change) of your refund based on normal processing. (here is a link to PDF chart: To find out when the IRS currently expects to issue your refund, check the IRS “Where’s My Refund” tool. “Where’s my Refund?” is updated weekly, every Wednesday, so check after Wednesday for the most up to date information. (here is a link:,,id=96596,00.html) Hope this helps clarify. Ashley Reply
I am getting worried. I submitted my taxes to Turbo Tax a couple of weeks ago. My Maryland return was already accepted and I got my refund! But I really expected my Federal Return to be “accepted” by today. I am afraid April will roll around and my Federal return will still be in limbo. Can I just cancel it with Turbo Tax and send in the paper copy? This is a real mess. True the Feds started it but I cannot find any good information on Turbo Tax’s website! Reply
Just curious if there is a time schedule for submissions on delayed returns. I have been a loyal turbotax user for at least 6 years but it doesn’t seem fair that my sister filed on Monday and already her taxes have been accepted and I filed Feb 2nd and no end in sight. Reply
Hi, I’m totally confused with all the delays going on I have a question i e-filed on Feb,3 and was accepted the next day Feb,4 my estimate tax return date was Feb,18 now they changed it to the 22nd it doesn’t say its been delayed or anything and I didn’t claim itemized tax deductions on Schedule A, the higher education tuition, fees deduction and the educator expenses deduction so my question is will my return be interrupted by the ppl delayed or should it still be on track? Please Help!! Thank You! Reply
I sent my taxes on Turbo Tax February 1, 2011 03:32 PM PST. It was Sent to Tax Authority February 15, 2011 03:11 PM PST. If this helps anyone with when theirs will be submitted. Reply
If it’s any help to anyone I filed on January 21 with turbotax and my return was accepted tonight. Reply
hi i had my redund delay but i think they ready accepted and i went to ( wheres my refund)and it says that me refund is going to be on february 18 did you think they are saying the truth shoould i espected my refund Reply
My Federal Taxes were accepted by Turbo Tax on 1/16/2011. I still do not show that my form has been filed. My question is how someone who filed with H&R Block 3 weeks after I did with the same delay has already had their form accepted by the IRS. January 16th seems like it would be on the first in list and I am just confused as to the delay. Please advise. Reply
Jacquelyn is right, the question of where your transmissions stand is being evaded, and that does not look good. I am quite certain there are people there who can answer the question, “Have you finished transmitting the submissions from month of January to the IRS yet?”. Since you email the people whose transmissions have been accepted by the IRS, you also have access to the date they submitted to TurboTax. This is a simple question – not when am I getting my refund, but what date are you up to since you keep track of who was first in and first out? We would really appreciate an answer before the blogosphere and social media sites get any angrier. Reply
Hi angela, That would depend on what state you are in. Do you file a state return for: Alabama Arkansas Iowa Minnesota Vermont If you do, your state is not accepting your itemized returns until the IRS does. Here is a post with more information. Ashley Reply
Hi All, We are submitting as many held returns daily as the IRS systems will allow, which is why we aren’t able to give you a date your return will be submitted. We are submitting them in first in, first out basis. Once your return has been submitted it could take up to 72 hours for the IRS to send you a confirmation. Also, the IRS “Where’s My Refund” tool is only updated once a week, so it may not show accepted even though your return has been sent and accepted by the IRS. How the IRS system works: The IRS batches refunds every Friday. All returns that are accepted by 11:00 a.m. ET on Thursday are paid via direct deposit the following Friday. If the taxpayer e-filed their return, but elected to get their refund by check, it will be mailed the subsequent Friday. For example, a return is accepted by the IRS by 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time on Thursday, March 3, the taxpayer would be paid via direct deposit on the following Friday, March 11. If the taxpayer elected to get the refund by check, it would be mailed on Friday, March 18. What this means is, if your return is accepted by the IRS before Thursday at 11AM, the date you will receive your refund will not be any different than if they accepted it Monday. I hope this helps. Ashley Reply
If I already filed my taxes and got my federal refund… like a week ago, do I have to refile or something for the changes? Reply
TurboTax, I have a suggestion. Obviously a million people are going ballistic because their tax return transmissions are being delayed. I called your customer service and they said they had no way of telling me when mine would be put through, although I submitted to you on 2/2. Your website indicates “first in, first… out”. Therefore, SOMEONE there is aware of the submission dates for the batches that have been sent to the IRS the past 2 days, or they would not know what was first in/out. We also are aware that the cutoff date with the IRS accepting the transmission is Wednesday nights, for direct deposit on the following week Friday. Now, you could ease a lot of this uproar if you would just post your progress with the dates, so we can figure out in what week’s batch our return will process. A simple updating statement such as “all returns accepted by us through 2/5 were processed as of today” would go a LONG way to cut the calls to your support center, and allow your customers to better plan for their anticipated direct deposit. Please, won’t you pass this suggestion up the chain of command until you find someone who KNOWS the IRS batch transmission status by date? Otherwise, the first in/first out statement is false because no one there is keeping track……thank you Reply
so was the question anwered? why those who did their taxes yesterday have already got accepted and the people that did theirs last month are still pending? Reply
Why does this Turbo Tax Ashley lady keep dodging the 1 questions everyone wants to know , How many batches are are being sent daily. GIVE US SOME DATES! I filed in mid Jan. and still haven’t gotten an email saying it was transmitted. Reply
they are all liars!! My friend filed itemized on Feb 2nd and all ready has her return, and she did it through turbo tax. I did mine last week, it said it would be filed yesterday, but as of now IRS does not have my return!! By the way there were 2-3 other people who itemized and have their returns all ready also. So how about a refund from turbo tax? Or maybe some interest on our money. Just think they collected our money and did not file our returns! Called fraud. Reply
We know everyone is VERY frustrated. For now I have shared all the information that I have. I will update you guys here if I get any additional information. Thanks for your patience on this. We are working hard to get everyone their refunds as quickly as the IRS systems will allow. Ashley Reply
It might help if we knew what percentage of returns in the pre-Feb. 14th pile have been transmitted (i.e. 80% returns dated January 1-10 have been transmitted, etc.). I understand that the IRS is asking you to stagger the flow but it’s disconcerting that, after being told returns would transmit on February 14, we still have no idea what the status is. Getting an e-mail upon transmission doesn’t help – that could be a month from now. All I know right now is that TurboTax received them last month. Reply
OK so we filed on 2/13- I understand having to “stand in line” to have my FEDERAL return sent, but WHY hasn’t my STATE return been sent??? Reply
This is my first year using Turbo Tax, I was referred to this web site from many friends and family. I usually got to a tax service company. I am very disappointed that my return hasnt been sent to the IRS yet. I filed On February 1, 2011 and was told that it wold be sent to teh IRS on February 14th. Staggering? So where does that leave me? Im a stay at home Mom and live pay check to pay check and delayed all my bills until the 24th thinking I would get my refund that day… When exactly will it be sent to the IRS? I guess this is the first and last year Ill ever use Turbo Tax.. Im very disappointed!!! Reply
Hi just curious from what I have been reading there is a back log of returns. Can you tell me approximately how may returns you have on back log and how many returns you can e-file daily? Just to give me a sense of how long it will be before my return will be efile. Thank you. Reply
“There’s no need to wait to file your taxes this year,” said Bob Meighan, CPA and vice president of TurboTax. “By e-filing now with TurboTax, your return is in the queue when the IRS starts processing refunds. TurboTax will notify you the moment your return has been e-filed with the IRS and we’ll let you know when to expect your federal refund. In addition, we’re working with states to help our customers get their state tax refunds without delay. There’s no reason to wait or worry with TurboTax.” This statement is untrue “”There’s no reason to wait or worry with TurboTax.”” but this is so,so so true Bob “”By e-filing now with TurboTax, your return is in the queue when the IRS starts processing refunds”” >> what a long long line people would of been better off waiting until the 14th or 15th of Feb to do there e-files, now people that did it early in January and paid you $ have to wait longer even though people who do it today or yesterday go right to the front of the line ?? Explain that Mr.Meighan. I usually use Turbo Tax yearly BUT NOW REALLY UNSURE IF RETURNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reply
Why is turbo tax not holding new returns until existing returns are submitted? If I had waited and submitted today, it would have gone through, but now my return is in limbo and no one can tell me when it will be submitted. This whole thing has been very deceptive of Turbo Tax. We are told they will be filled on the 14th, now it is the 14th-18th and I am sure on the 18th it will be another story. Never again will turbo tax get my business. Reply
It amazes me that IRS is so slow to accept returns. IF the taxpayer is late filing they would show no mercy. They probably used Indian programmers. Reply
No mercy at all. Fees, interest, and penalties. Sadly, they make the rules and do not have to follow them! I hope that everyone understands that this is not the fault of Turbo Tax. Write your Congressman. You should be blogging, tweeting, and sending letter to your government rep that help up this process with the fiscal cliff nonsense. Turbo tax is simply following the rules. Reply
I completed my taxes on January 30th and paid Turbo Tax $75 dollars and now today is the 14th and did Turbo Tax file my taxes? Nope they didn’t. I really think they have been misleading and if I had known they were going to get my money God knows how long before I got mine, would have probably not paid them and used another program. Unfortunately Turbo Tax is just right to the line of not being a bunch of crooks. Reply
I do not know why TruboTax is letting people who file today get processed today. I did my taxes 30 days ago. They should be put in the back of the line. In order to beat the tax deadline of 17th at 11:00 AM can I amend tax return change nothing so trubotax will processes it today. Reply
Great post. I just sltbmued upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed browsing your blog posts. In any case I’ll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you write again soon! Reply
Hi Rebecca, We are glad you enjoy the blog! We will be providing new and interesting topics daily. Thank you, Lisa Greene-Lewis
Ok that’s for the updates and I know there are plenty that are more frustrated . I just did not read or see anything until today that there be more delays coming from the IRS in processing these returns. I can understand they could not take them all in at once but seems Turbo Tax was somewhat misleading by saying — “In the face of these delays, TurboTax is the fastest, easiest way for you to get your full refund” again seems I should of waited until today to e-file at least it would of went through, now if it does not go through and accepted before 2/17 by 11am have to wait a whole another week for a direct deposit as other will too…… [also is Turbo Tax only able to send them in once daily or thru out the day and night ??] Reply
Hi JHB, I understand you are very frustrated. Yes, you will receive an e-mail from TurboTax when your return has been submitted to the IRS and then an e-mail acceptance from the IRS within 24-72 hours. Ashley Reply
Hi Carmen, I am not sure I understand the question. Did your partner already file his return? If he has already filed, he will need to wait until the IRS accepts or rejects his return and then file an amended return. If he hasn’t filed yet, he can go ahead and go in and add it, no charge. Hope that helps. Ashley Reply
My partner already did his W2 and a day or 2 later another one arrived, and he wants to kno how much it will cost to add it? Reply
In addition, seems like the people that e-filed early and were on hold with Turbo Tax are going to get screwed meaning someone that does it today or tomorrow with Turbo Tax will possibly go through quicker than someone doing it in early January ? Reply
I keep reading were you say “You will receive an email when your return has been accepted by the IRS, usually within 24-72 hours after it’s been received.” But isn’t Turbo Tax sending e-mails stating this—- (Success! Your e-file transmission went through. It will take 1 or 2 days for the government to process and accept your returns) so people have a idea at least what turbo tax was doing ? Also I read nothing about the IRS was only going to take certain amount here and there from all the tax places! I thought Turbo Tax was going to be the fastest bestest way to do it ?? If so could you give me the site giving out this information, it really tells no one nothing just more waiting possibly…………….. Reply
Hi Reyna, Yes, TurboTax will process returns on a first-in, first-out basis. You will receive an email when your return has been accepted by the IRS, usually within 24-72 hours after it’s been received. Currently, the IRS is working through its backlog of tax returns as quickly as possible. You may not see a change in your e-filing status until the end of the week. Ashley Reply
I submitted my forms on January 11,2011 and have yet to see a change in my status, are they being processed in any certain order? alphabetically?according to date of submission? Reyna Reply
HI JHB and Karen, TurboTax has already started sending returns that were being held due to processing delays. However, during the week of Feb. 14-18, the IRS is limiting the number of tax returns it accepts daily to manage their systems capacity and ensure successful filings of all returns. The IRS has required transmitters of e-filed returns to stagger submission of returns from Feb. 14 to Feb. 18. This means that you might experience delays in your return processing and in the time it takes to receive your federal tax refund. We know getting a fast refund is important and we are working closely with the IRS to process all tax returns as quickly as their systems will allow. You will receive an email when your return has been accepted by the IRS, usually within 24-72 hours after it’s been received. Ashley Reply
Figures today is 2/14/11 and it is 8am on the east coast here and still the IRS has not been sent my return ?? You would think they start sending them in after midnight but then again guess Turbo Tax does not want to be up that late working for their customers !!!!!!!!!! wonder if HR Block and others are waiting as well??? Reply
Will those returns affected by the new tax laws for February 14the be under the same refund cycle? Reply
I suppose to receive my refund 2/10/2011 & its already released but isn’t in my account!! Whats going on & how long will I have to wait to get my refund??? Reply
Will the IRS start excepting the returns at 12:01am on 2/14 or will it when their office would normally be open.I’ve done taxes for 2 other people who didn’t itemize and their returns were excepted at different times for example I did my son’s at 10 pm and was excepted by 12am that night. Reply
My taxes were already accepted my federal on feb 2nd but the site say they will mail my check on the 14th but i wanted it deposited on to turbo tax card.when should i get it.. Reply
By the way, this is the statement as I see it printed, “TurboTax is ready to accept your return today, whether you’re impacted by the delays or not”, which looks good to me. Reply